Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Secret ” Freedoms ” of Single Retirement

Dear Reader: True confession time! After I retired and subsequently became an ” empty nester ” I made a dramatic ” Scarlet O’ Hara” declaration, in which I vowed…that I never wanted to hear the question ” What’s for supper … Continue reading

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” One Moment of Happiness Everyday” ( In Spite of the News)

Dear Reader: For awhile now I have been in a quandary. I am by nature pretty happy-go-lucky but how do we brush away the troubling news we hear and see daily on our computers, radios, and televisions with so much … Continue reading

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Memory-The Necessary Ingredient to ” Living in the Moment”

Dear Reader: On my way to Daniel Island to see Ben yesterday … I had a rare opportunity to snap a quick photo from the car window… as I circled the first round-about and no other cars were on it! … Continue reading

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The Light Within…

Dear Reader: My neighbor, Virginia and her adorable little dog Meadows came with a Fall Surprise for me yesterday Double-Wow! Virginia and her husband, Finn, moved to Summerville to be near her mother, Myrtle, at the Presbyterian Village. Myrtle passed … Continue reading

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The Three Stages of Aging-Thingamajig, Whatchamacallit, and Whatnot!

Dear Reader: Las Vegas comedian, George Wallace, has written a new comedy book -so he has been on certain talk shows and he mentioned that the reason he used’ Whatnot’ in his title was so if he forgot what he … Continue reading

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Fulfilling Dreams of Those From Our Past

Dear Reader: I always loved it when Aunt Eva would come visit mom while she lived with us. The sisters were very entertaining and it was where I learned the most about the Wilson family history …and Eva and mother’s … Continue reading

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” What Still Pulls Your Soul?”

Dear Reader: Artist Kelly Rae Roberts has recently started sharing more of herself than simply her art designs. She has started sharing words and ideas that shaped and changed her ” earlier self” -words that lead her on detours and … Continue reading

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“Born” to Love Morning Glories

Dear Reader: As you well suspect-I am addicted to morning glories! I have always known this fact -but until yesterday ( going through old journals and albums…) I had forgotten the reason! The year I turned fourteen we had just … Continue reading

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Letting Go… lets us Grow

Dear Reader: ” What if trees really did refuse to let go of their dying leaves?” Sounds bizarre doesn’t it? Yet aren’t we all guilty of doing just this to ourselves? Don’t we try any and everything we can, to … Continue reading

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” I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers”

Dear Reader: October 1! Just saying October out loud makes me happy! Like Anne… I can’t imagine a world without this most popular month! Today I picked out a few of my favorite quotes about October to share with you. … Continue reading

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