Category Archives: Uncategorized

January 6-The Day of Epiphanies

Dear Reader: Yesterday I began wondering how many times I have shared a personal ” epiphany ” moment/ observation with you. A lot! My epiphanies have centered around connections I never made previously in life. (The popular term today ” … Continue reading

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People Pleasers… Beware!

Dear Reader: When you read how strangely my mind works making connections today …you might wonder what is scarier… me or the purple people eater! It started out innocently enough as I was listening to Rachel Ray talk to humorous … Continue reading

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Make Your Soul Happy in 2022

Dear Reader: Blessed longevity ( never thought I’d make it this long) does provide all of us with diversified, timely, life experiences and what I have learned from all of them ( the good, bad, and ugly) is that we … Continue reading

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” Patience” for 2022

Dear Reader: Yesterday was my usually ” dreaded” return to normalcy day …as all my decorations came down and were packed away for another year. But this year, instead of running a “maniacal” Post New Year’s Day clean-up marathon, I … Continue reading

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What a Way to Start the New Year-Filled with Beauty

Dear Reader: As I was finishing some errands late New Year’s Eve afternoon I caught sight of the ” Snowflake” in the center of the trees all lit with white lights-it was so stunning I immediately pulled over and parked. … Continue reading

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2022… Let it be the Best for YOU and YOU and YOU!

Dear Reader: The other day as I was scrolling through Facebook I saw a wooden plaque on a friend’s house that I loved… along with the owner…but then of course, a few hours later when I went to retrieve it … Continue reading

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A Personal New Year’s Remembrance

Dear Reader: Once you have a birth in the family on a New Year’s Eve, it is hard to remember anything else that preceded it. New life takes precedence over anything else. So December 31, 2018 will always be the … Continue reading

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A Special Christmas Veil

Dear Reader: When I came across this interesting observation between man and God … and the protection man has needed when confronting God face to face… I couldn’t help but connect this dilemma with the topic of masks today. Let’s … Continue reading

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Merry Everything and Happy Always

Dear Reader: We are growing closer and closer to the New Year-2022. I am watching Eva Cate and Jake and Winnie… while John and Mandy take a well-deserved hiatus to Asheville-their Christmas gift to each other. On top of this … Continue reading

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Mary DID Know…

Dear Reader: I have always loved the melody and lyrics to the hauntingly beautiful Christmas song- ” Mary Did You Know?” However… this time when I read each stanza-the one important question not asked was: ” Mary did you know … Continue reading

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