Dear Reader:
I was thinking the other day that I haven’t talked about how God Winks got started for me and my inner awareness of them in my daily life today -in a long time. . They are such an accepted and expected part of my being now that I honestly can’t remember life before God’s introduction of them for me after receiving my incurable breast cancer diagnosis in 2008.
My favorite author on the subject , Squire Rushnell, was responsible for opening up this special communication passage that I had previously been completely unaware of … but once opened… an integral part of my relationship with God.
I remember Tommy and Kaitlyn giving me one of Rushnell ‘s books at a birthday party for Lachlan when he was little. Suddenly a whole new dimension of divine awareness and contact blossomed.

For many of you readers… who weren’t here for the original explanation… let me fill you in now with what a ” God Wink” is… as explained by Rushnell himself.
Paraphrasing… Rushnell asks us to go back in time and think about sitting around a family dinner table, either with just our parents , siblings or even extended family…aunts, uncles, grandparents,etc. Suddenly you feel someone staring at you and when you look up there is your grandfather nodding and giving you a quick wink. Nothing more… just a smile, nod, and quick wink.
But suddenly everything feels different… someone across the table is letting us know that we are special in their eyes, that they are watching us, and everything is going to be okay. That incident is a metaphor for a God Wink.
This is similar of receiving a ” God Wink” from God Himself that translates ” Hey kid! I’m thinking of you… right now!” It is a clear message of reassurance-that no matter how uncertain our life seems to be at the moment, He will help move us towards certainty.
So until tomorrow…On God’s GPS we are never alone-God’s Positioning System.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Winter has arrived in all its frigid chill-sending ” Big Red” indoors for a rare extended January hiatus