Dear Reader:
Of all the Ya’s Libby wins, hands down, with the funniest expressions. I am used to hearing her response to ” How are you doing Libby?” ( if I call too early in the morning) … her standard reply…” I’m still coming to myself .” ( meaning she’s still in bed or hasn’t had her first cup of coffee yet.)
But these days Libby apparently has extended her ” coming to myself” to include her personal ” molting” season. Like the Hermit crab she is burying herself into a state of inertia with her shell intact.
So now if I call and ask about her… Libby responds ” I am in my molting season.” (Most of us connect this term to animals who shed feathers, hair, skin, or shells to make way for new growth. ) After much consideration …Libby is right on point.
Don’t most of us perceive the post-Christmas holiday period as a let-down, blah, cold,dreary wintry season… a low-key period to hunker down and bury ourselves in sedentary activities where less of everything is best.
(Of course Libby is the first to admit that only retirees and select other groups can partake time-wise in this self-awareness endeavor-it really is a gift of time of which we retirees are eternally grateful!)
A few years back Libby ended up caring for some hermit crabs in a ten gallon glass container ( what grandmothers won’t do for their grandchildren) and discovering a new perspective on life in her generous undertaking.
One day the crabs just disappeared… she was in a panic thinking they had somehow gotten out and were hiding throughout the house. She quickly researched and realized it was their molting time-they had buried themselves near the bottom of the sand and were shedding their first skeletal ” armor ” to be replaced by a larger one requiring a larger shell to inhabit upon their return to the surface. It was a time of new growth and new perspective.

Now Libby has realized that subconsciously this is what she is doing-taking time to slow down after the somewhat turbulent Christmas holiday activities/ Rude Covid interruptions , etc. ) to spend time alone to allow for new meditation and growth to take place. Of course, as she laughingly noted… she just crawls down deeper into bed covers!
So until tomorrow… Let us all take a lesson from the Hermit crabs and Libby-Let us learn to take time for ourselves to slow down, pull back, shed the past, welcome new growth and perspectives on life. Don’t hesitate to answer the daily habitual question by friends and strangers alike… ” How are you?” with the response ” Good thank you… I am in my molting season.”
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Looking at the world through new eyes allows us to see light -even prisms of light -where once none existed.

Becky…this entry hit a core today because we have been running the roads since Dec 1 with 2 family bdays…Christmas here…there and everywhere…back to Greer for Day on the Town with the grands..and we are driving right now to Blowing Rock for our annual skiing/tubing family gathering…which is the only time all 10 of us sleep under the same roof. We are excited and pray for safe travels and happy times for all…but last night when the car was packed I felt the tiredness coming over me but also a sense of relief that the hustle and bustle would soon be over…plus for the 1st time EVER my Christmas tree is still up…and will be up a little longer…something about losing Suzy last June makes me want to hang on to it a little longer…then I will start the molting….
We all need a good “molting” period to rest and restore!