Dear Reader:
I have decided that my top three sources of happy contentment come from Mountain Views, Beach Walks, and Cozy Fireplaces! My top three favorite things in life.
Add three amazing friends who dropped off lemon chicken soup, ( Susan) carrot raisin cupcake( Vickie) and bran breakfast muffins ( Anne) how could one not be happily content?
Like many areas in our country parts of South Carolina was expecting wintry weather last night. The Lowcountry was not included but we were expecting cold rain and escalated winds-perfect for a cozy fire!

In previous posts we have talked about the difference between happiness and contentment but I believe you can have both simultaneously if you find happiness in contentment… like I do these days.
Maybe the inclusion of these two positive attributes come with age… when you have nothing left to prove or obtain… you can just simply be yourself.
In this short story bite ( A Parable of Contentment and Happiness) King Pyrrhus’ wise adviser, Cineas, listens to the king’s dreams and schemes of conquering all of Greece and Italy and then tries to get the king to see the futility of this path to future happiness and contentment. …………………………………………
Cineas: Sir, before attacking Rome you must be aware of the Romans’ reputation as great warriors and conquerors of many warlike nations… but even if you are successful-how should we use our victory?
Pyrrhus: It is self-evident! After conquering Rome, we shall be masters of Italy with all its economic and military strength under our control!
Cineas; And having subdued Italy, what shall we do next?
Pyrrhus: Sicily with all her charms will now come under our domain!
Cineas: Then will the possession of Sicily put an end to the war?
Pyrrhus: Certainly not! We will simply use these victories as stepping stones to greater things! Libya and Carthage will fall easily.
Cineas: So you will continue to seize Macedon and make an absolute conquest of Greece? And then what sir?
Pyrrhus: ( Smiling) Then we will live at ease my dear friend and drink all day and divert ourselves with pleasant conversation.
Cineas: Then Sir… Why go to all the trouble of trying to own the world when you can be happy and content right now?
*** Unfortunately, Pyrrhus fails to heed the advice of his wise adviser and pays a high price for it.
Honey called yesterday and said they were predicting a heavy snowfall ( 18 inches) last evening -later she called and said the snow had already started.
Look what Mike and Honey saw on the way home earlier from getting supplies in preparation.

So until tomorrow…” Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his lot.” Ben Zoma
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

We are in Blowing Rock with the whole family
..went tubing last night…us included…but Paul’s crew had to turn around because the riads were too icy….we are hunkered down in a cozy cabin…waiting to go out and play…
Perfect timing Wow…you are really getting to see snow this time around! Be careful but have fun!!!!!