Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thoughts and Words that Connect us to the Universe

Dear Reader: Yesterday was an especially busy day… many errands run were secretive in nature-brainstorming a surprise for one grandchild’s special recognition coming soon! It involved some creativity and that is always fun! Another unexpected incident (that gave me a … Continue reading

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Love is a Puzzle

Dear Reader: I think by now you have guessed what this year’s Valentines Boo Crew’s ” themed” gifts were: puzzles: Rutledge and Eva Cate got the ” adult ” ( 500 piece) Clemson puzzle and Eiffel Tower-so they are waiting … Continue reading

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Valentines Memories

Dear Reader: I heard recently on a news report that Valentines Day is taking a ” hit” this year due to timing and the Super Bowl. Unfortunately Valentines Day falls on a Monday ( never a great ” party day … Continue reading

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The Love Story Between Plants and People… It Started with a Breath!

Dear Reader: If I had a Valentine for every plant in my garden… hearts would be placed by each bush, tree, and flower! The love affair between man and plants originated as a symbiotic relationship …where not only did we … Continue reading

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One Step… One Spark… In Search of the World’s Heart

Dear Reader: How many times have we heard slogans… like “We Are Part of the Solution” or ” Be a Part of the Solution.” It usually refers to an environmental or peace issue or an inequity along racial, gender, political, … Continue reading

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The Joy of Taxes… ” We’re Alive!!!”

Dear Reader: Yesterday was “D” Day! Dump all my tax forms in a bag and leave them with my tax preparer to do-I honestly don’t know him except by name. With Covid many preparers can use the required forms and … Continue reading

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Gardening is the Slowest of the Performing Arts

Dear Reader: Another overcast day outlined Tuesday’s weather but hope arrives today with the return of the sun and warm, yes warm, temperatures. I have thought about this and decided that light and hope form an eternal symbiotic relationship! Think … Continue reading

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” Lovely Weather for Ducks and Geese”

Dear Reader: Yep… yesterday was another cold, dreary rainy Monday. I braved the elements to run to the grocery store… and on the way home came across these geese playing happily in a vacant lot off the highway…immersed in the … Continue reading

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Sipping, Savoring, Saving

Dear Reader: Don’t you love it when opportunities arise that allow you to participate in a fun or savory event…for a good cause? A win-win occasion … the best! While staying on the air bnb side at my son Tommy’s … Continue reading

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Being of Service… Pass It On

Dear Reader: I happened to catch the last few minutes of ” This Old House” segment ( yesterday) on PBS …in which each of the builders, designers etc, were discussing the difficulties of meeting customer expectations-due to COVID’s shake- up … Continue reading

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