Dear Reader:
Another overcast day outlined Tuesday’s weather but hope arrives today with the return of the sun and warm, yes warm, temperatures. I have thought about this and decided that light and hope form an eternal symbiotic relationship!
Think about it… ” In the beginning God created the heaven and earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
How could there have been hope before light…because how could there have been life before light?
But with life came hope and personally speaking… how can any of us get through life without it? When everything else-even everyone else … has disappeared from our lives…our support system dissipated… we are only left with faith in hope for a better tomorrow.
For a gardener, especially this time of year… when to the naked eye …rows of seemingly dead plants lay pathetically scattered throughout the once gorgeous rows of blooms …one has a tendency to want to pull them out and start over. A novel gardener’s biggest mistake!
Patience! The plants are resting and restoring their energies to bring forth greenery and tiny buds-the plants are in God’s waiting ” room” – looking for the signal to ” move on up.” But if we look beyond the dead stems… we see new life starting over using the dead stems to protect the tender new life!

And my new plants on the porch are so happy-cold gray weather and all with no complaining-more buds popping open daily -… so much so that they are being rewarded today with beautiful light and sunshine!

And what about those camellias this year… Anne and I met at Oscars yesterday for our monthly get-together/ update lunch and Anne said she wondered if she will ever see the abundance of varied beautiful camellias again…as she has witnessed in her own yard. Check out Anne’s Facebook page to take a glimpse! Wow!

Brooke’s camellia bush she gave me! So delicate! Love it Brookie!
Spring is always worth waiting for… slowly but surely the performances of exquisite beauty are getting closer as the garden tries on its new dancing shoes!
So until tomorrow…

Having friends support you and love you is one of the greatest hopes of all! The best blessings in our lives are our friends and loved ones! Thank you Mike and Honey for my first Valentines card … filled with heart and hope like both of you!
Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh
*** ( Just in) Prayers of hope for my niece Bekah during her job interview today. Thank you! ❤️🙏🏻
❤❤❤ agree …
totally agree! and beautiful post! <3
Thank you for your kind response!