Dear Reader:
I think by now you have guessed what this year’s Valentines Boo Crew’s ” themed” gifts were: puzzles: Rutledge and Eva Cate got the ” adult ” ( 500 piece) Clemson puzzle and Eiffel Tower-so they are waiting for a time the whole family can work on it.
Lachlan and Jake got the 100 piece ” Planets” puzzle ( do-able with a little help from family) and Eloise got the Disney princesses where matching shadows complete the puzzle! The more the merrier!

Why is love so puzzling? Think about it-when we are young and looking for love… our appearances become foremost in our search for Mr or Miss ” Right.” Not only do we want to pass a visual ” inspection” ourselves … we have our physical criteria requirements too for the person we imagine spending our lives with….
Most youth ” grow up” and soon realize that the physical ” covering ” is not permanent but compatibility, respect, kindness, and giving to each other is. We must share similar beliefs and moral attitudes in regard to race, creed, equality, and benevolence of spirit.
These days when I see a young couple or attend weddings … I smile and say a little silent prayer that they will grow closer together through time and understanding … not farther apart from differing attitudes and priorities.
Now think about observing this scene…You are walking in the park, it is twilight, and growing shadows direct your attention to a bench where an elderly couple are contentedly holding hands, staring in each other’s eyes, with the sweetest smiles lighting up their faces… frayed with well-worn wrinkles, thinning white hair, splotchy skin, and thick rimmed glasses.
They are beautiful… their obvious delight and devotion in and to each other brings tears to your eyes. Suddenly you believe in love again… the ” Old Skin-Horse type of love-the ” real” kind of love you have searched for all your life. The horse, of course , was right the whole time.

” Generally by the time you are Real-most of your hair has been loved off, your eyes drop out, you get loose in the joints and very shabby.”
” But these things don’t matter at all, because once you you are real- you can’t be ugly …except to people who don’t understand.”
So until tomorrow…the puzzle of love can always be solved when loving family members and friends care for us enough to help us find missing puzzle pieces when dropped … and to always be there to witness the love of life with us…in all our ” forever” beauty.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Thank you family for indoor and outdoor flowers and new garden gloves to start another new season of endless possibilities-Y’all are my forever Valentines!

So happy I found these indigo printed kitchen towels-by Anne in her studio… perfect gift for Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!!❤️