Dear Reader:
I heard recently on a news report that Valentines Day is taking a ” hit” this year due to timing and the Super Bowl.
Unfortunately Valentines Day falls on a Monday ( never a great ” party day ) this year and then, to add even more congestion … it follows Super Bowl Sunday!
The old adage ” Timing is everything ” certainly appears to be coming into ” play” in this year’s situation… football play! I read where some creative families are putting cut-out hearts around posters of the team they are pulling for with player’s names -dressing up mascot bengals or rams in Valentine attire, cutting subs and sandwiches into the shapes of hearts.

One smart football fan told reporters he was sectioning off enough left-overs from the Super Bowl party to save … so he can surprise his wife Monday night with dinner, roses, and candles -kids sent to grandmother’s house! A win-win!
As far as my memories go back-to the days of the classroom Valentines decorated shoeboxes-Valentines has always been a day of emotional roller-coasting… a mixture of surprise and happiness and/or stress and disappointment. We have a tendency to build it up into something it was never meant to be-a popularity contest.
Upon reflection at this stage in life… I realize that everyday we should be opening our hearts and sharing our love with our fellow man. The truest measure of love is through action and reassurance that ” love abidest” still and always will.
So until tomorrow… A glance, a wink, a hand, a hug and a whisper of love will always win out over candy, jewelry, flowers or ( incredibly a super-duper football game!)
Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh
My heart is happy-hanging out with the Boo Crew yesterday

Oh my goodness…how your Valentines have grown…in the blink of an eye…good looking group…Happy Valentine’s Day…
Thank you and yours too…stop in the name of love our sweet grandchildren and let us savor each moment for the memories!!! Happy Valentines!!!!!!!!!