Category Archives: Uncategorized

Finding Our Magic Hours

Dear Reader: A few weeks ago I took a leap of faith and cut back all the brittle brown stems on ” Big Red” my ” historic geranium. It looked sad and pathetic then but the gamble paid off… green … Continue reading

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Is Your House Proud of YOU?

Dear Reader: I am just not quite ready to send Lincoln back into the recesses of my cranium treasure memory ” attic.” When I saw this ( title quote) reversing the assessment of our homes…using human feeling by letting our … Continue reading

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” Whatever You are, Be a Good One” -Lincoln

Dear Reader: I knew I couldn’t let Presidents Day come and go this year without paying tribute to our greatest President-Abraham Lincoln. Last night I tearfully ( assassination scene) finished watching the History Channel’s three night documentary simply titled: Abraham … Continue reading

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A Little Story with a Big Lesson

Dear Reader: In Charleston … yesterday, Presidents Day, meant no school if… the assignments for Tuesday were complete. So Sunday night… Eva Cate face-timed me that she finished her Cold War project so she and Jake could come visit me … Continue reading

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Homesick? Plant an Azalea

Dear Reader: The sun was out yesterday and the temps hovering near 70… a perfectly beautiful day! I walked around the yard assessing the state of the garden… pretty rough… it is definitely going to require some laborious weed pulling … Continue reading

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Begin Anew… Begin Anew

Dear Reader: When Tate Nation… sent Rutledge a personalized congratulations note on learning the Presidents … he also generously sent me three notecard paintings on Pretty Place. I sent one to Honey since Tarshie married there and Kaitlyn since she … Continue reading

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The Risk to Bloom

Dear Reader: Yesterday as I was taking photos of my gorgeous pink camellias … abundantly filling every stem… I happened to glance down and in almost a mirror effect… many of the camellias had gotten blown off the gigantic bush/tree. … Continue reading

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Those Crazy ” Dangling Participle ” Days

Dear Reader: Isn’t it wonderful when we experience those days when everything just seems to fall in place. You don’t have to listen to ‘ elevator’ music’ for half an hour before placing an order on your phone, you are … Continue reading

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YO! Let’s Hear it for the Presidents… Good, Bad, and SO-SO!

Dear Reader: Have you ever taken a moment to wonder how a ” President’s Day” idea got started? President’s Day was originally established in 1885… in recognition of just one President-our first… George Washington! It remained that way for almost … Continue reading

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Valentines Out… Hearts In

Dear Reader: Some of you might remember when I received this real live succulent ” pumpkin planter ” from Susan Swicegood this past Halloween! She also gave one to all the family ” gals” and theirs lived a reasonable time … Continue reading

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