Dear Reader:
I am in love with the weather this past week-it is as if the heavens are smiling down on the Lowcountry… dropping high nineties back into the more comfortable 80’s with ( most importantly) much lower humidity. First time in many years that the start of school coincided with more early fall-like conditions ( especially in the back-to-school early mornings)!
My favorite time lately has been watching the afternoon and/ evening thunderstorm showers arrive … bringing softer breezes and lighter rains. The kind that makes the world smell so fresh … like taking clean laundry out of the dryer or off the line. A fresh breath of air that seems to makes the world feel and smell cleaner.
I hope the following story is readable for everyone-it is one of my favorite stories-but after two posts to prepare for yesterday-I just didn’t have the energy to retype the whole story again.

Isn’t that the most comforting thought in the world that a tiny child, fighting for her life, remembers God … “that the smell of fresh rain smelled like God when she would lay her head on His chest?”
So until tomorrow… On earth we have only five senses but I suspect that a whole new world of senses will be open to us in our next life, don’t you? And if God’s scent is the fresh smell after a rain shower I will be ecstatic!

Just HAD to comment. Your grandchildren are all just so stunningly handsome and beautiful! Lucky grandmother you are!
And your ever-producing beautiful flowers as well! I am always in total amazement at your green thumb. I hope to one day have a garden half as beautiful as yours. I am amazed every time you post some photo of this flower or that flower – they are all equally gorgeous.
Cannot believe school’s started up already down there. The kiddoes all went back here, too, though. I couldn’t handle it now. I’m never, ever ready to give up my summer – never have been and probably never will be. Even though I definitely love my four seasons, summer is my favorite.
I’ve been in/out of hospitals for the last 3 weeks, being discharged this past Tuesday after having pneumonia and in for a week! I am still very tired and need rest, but am SO glad to be in my own bed at home! And I loved the story of little Danae – I think you’ve shared it before. One has to believe in a God that takes care of the tiniest little ones, and they alone make the connection back to God.
Keep on “keeping on” with your blogs, Becky. You inspire so many of us and I truly look forward to reading it each day!
Much love,
Sis…YOU are the one who inspires me! Here you are, just out of the hospital with pneumonia, and you are still thinking of others…with such kind moving comments! I know Honey always told me how much Mike thought of you as a teacher and a person…amazing…with an abundance of integrity!!!!!
I pray you recover quickly so you can enjoy a spectacular mountain fall!!! As usual your message brightened my day!!!!!!
I just love that you shared the story of the Blessing family!
This gives hope to so many who experience similar situations.
I love the thought of God smelling like new fallen rain. What a pleasant thought!
Enjoy these last weeks of your favorite season, summer.