Dear Reader:
Honey and I were musing the other day how freeing it is, as retired teachers, to watch the school buses rattle by our homes the first day of school and know we aren’t waiting at the other end to take students to our classrooms.
Don’t misunderstand this retired teachers’ observation… because there will always be a part of our hearts that remain in the silent classrooms of past memories… but the old axiom is true-the one that says ” Teaching is the hardest job you will ever love.”
Teaching, quite honestly, is absolutely exhausting! Some days, as I would watch the buses pull away… my brain was so befuddled that a friend-team teacher and I started a ritual- we would look at each other, count to three, and then simultaneously yell out either ” Fried or Scrambled!”
When teachers admit to being exhausted at the end of a school day …it isn’t as much physical as mental. Sure… tired feet and backs go with the territory…but our brains do feel ” scrambled” or “fried.” Why? Try this fact on for size!

To be more specific… researchers put the ” average ” number of decisions made daily, while teaching at 1500!!! If you like math… it averages out to be 4 decisions per minute) My head is starting to hurt just reading this… but I can believe it because I lived it!
The teacher is the anchor that holds each teaching day grounded – He/she is the support system for hundreds of students, the classroom manager, disciplinarian, content creator and so much more-every question from every student is directed towards one teacher and the questions never stop. That’s how children learn. so the teacher makes unceasing minute by minute decisions throughout each day.
One teacher made a poster showing her brain resembling an internet browser-fast-paced with too many open tabs by the end of the day.) but then there are papers to grade and lesson plans to make for the next day., parents to call… the ” to do” list goes on and on. After all… teachers are the voice for their students.

So until tomorrow… Dear God, Thank you for the amazing and courageous teachers who have devoted their lives to serve our children through these turbulent and trying times.
Be their navigator as they learn new routes to guide their students, give them strength to lead and thrive wherever learning takes root, and bless whatever ” port” their classrooms resemble. Keep teachers and students safe from harm under Your Loving Presence. Amen.

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
A shout-out to my two beautiful, caring nieces who will be returning this week as teachers to students who need a little extra help along their paths. Have a great year girls /so proud of you!!! Love, Aunt Becky

( Bekah)
After reading your post, I could identify with all the thoughts you shared. No matter what grade level you teach, at the end of every day you are exhausted, but the next day you enter your classroom with the anticipation of what you can bring to your students to excite them to learn. It’s more than a profession, it’s a calling.
You are exactly right and if done right,,,also an art…the teacher is always creating new platforms of learning!!!
Prayers for a happy …productive and safe year for all teachers and students everywhere…there are a group of retired teachers/coaches who get together for breakfast the first day the buses roll…enjoy our breakfast and then go about our day❤