Category Archives: Uncategorized

Miracles Can Happen Anywhere…Anytime

Dear Reader: Yesterday the universe just seemed to be blinking and winking throughout the day. I credit this phenomenon … to it being my friend Harriett Edwards ‘ celebration of life day! . As I walked towards the church sanctuary … Continue reading

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Where Did It Go?

Dear Reader: On the way out of Wakendaw Lakes yesterday… their exit sign read: Warning: Slow Down! Police Have Already Arrested Summer for Speeding! ( I tried to take a picture of the real sign ( cuter) but an impatient … Continue reading

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The Gift of Sharing Life at the Same Time

Dear Reader: How many times have you stopped and watched a moving performance and thought how lucky you were to be watching this artist/celebrity or sports champion or political leader… a stand-out in any field of life… at that very … Continue reading

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The Fastest Way to Add Magic to Our Lives

Dear Reader: I saw where Tuesday was Happy National Book Lovers’ Day and since I am an ardent lover of books… I felt the need to take time to pay tribute to them today. Monday I went to Wellmore to … Continue reading

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Memory Beads of Love and Laughter…

Dear Reader: Yesterday found me dusting off the tops of my Race for the Cure memory boxes… packed full of memorabilia that brought tears to my eyes. My thoughts took me back to those early years and the first family … Continue reading

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No Regrets… But Lessons Learned

Dear Reader: How many times have we been warned through stories, movies, family advice, teachers, and sermons to live our lives fully so at the end of it we will have no regrets? The add-on conclusion is that the only … Continue reading

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Interesting Question to Ask Yourself at Night is ” What did I Really See Today?”

Dear Reader: Maybe it is just me… but I am seeing and feeling more kindness among my fellow life travelers in recent weeks. The strained, stern, self-contained/centered isolated expressions are being exchanged for lighter tones, more door holdings, smiles, grins, … Continue reading

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Feeling Stuck… It Happens to All of Us!

Dear Reader: Thursday I built up this wonderful story in my mind that Rhea’s arrival home ( from the hospital) was going to coincide with my first moonflower bloom of the season. Last year my one and only moonflower bloom … Continue reading

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It’s Time to Slow Down and Soak Up Our Lives…

Dear Reader: Yesterday I mentioned we finally got a long overdue thundershower …and as Goldilocks discovered , repeatedly, ” It was just right.” It wasn’t violently windy, or tumultuously overpowering in its intensity… but a nice steady downfall that immediately … Continue reading

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Making Faith a Verb…

Dear Reader: Yesterday I happened upon an article on faith ( by Liz Helgeseh) …differentiating it from the term belief. A belief is man-made in nature, thus subject to varying interpretations that can cause separations among differing religious sectors…but faith … Continue reading

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