Dear Reader:
Are you like me… do you think some words begin to make you weary, honestly grate on your nerves, through overuse … by just listening to another ” self-help” guru use them… just one time too many?
If I happen to have the television on and hear some guest on a talk show commence to help everyone in the audience find their ” authentic ” selves I find myself grabbing the remote and frantically clicking it to another channel… any channel. ( Well… almost any channel)
Yesterday I was reading a magazine article on accepting yourself as you are now-not in the past or perhaps in the future but now. ( No problem so far) and then came the next line… the author concluded we must look in the mirror at our ” authentic ” selves and let our mantra be ” I am what I am … and what I am is amazing… and authentic!”
As I was cringing, suddenly the connection sparked…. slowly I repeated ” I am what I am”… and then burst out laughing. Popeye! The author was quoting Popeye. ” I yam what I yam and that’s all what I yam… I’m Popeye the Sailor Man!” He must have been the first ” authentic” personality!
The thing you had to love about Popeye was, unlike Olive Oyl, ( always putting on airs) he was quite content being who he was while Olive was always trying to change him into something he wasn’t. For example when Olive said ” she didn’t want to be with someone who was ” an unedumacated ignoramus” Popeye declared then he would become an ” edumacated” ignoramus… just for her.

( Of course every time Olive got in trouble it was Popeye ( after eating his can of spinach) who would save her from disaster… again ) Then she loved him whole/heartedly until he irritated her again. Now I ask you-who was being more ” authentic?”?
So until tomorrow… ( double dog dare you) Look in the mirror and shout out ” ” I yam what I yam and that’s all what I yam.” ( Have a good day to me!)
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
***** After the post yesterday on Alexander Hamilton and all the amazing social projects Eliza founded to honor her husband’s legacy… it is now Eliza’s living legacy being honored for her philanthropy. What once was the first private orphanage in NYC, is still in existence and thriving-renamed Graham Windham, this non-profit establishment serves thousands of children and families -offering family counseling, health services, after school free tutoring and free school supplies.

Lin Manuel Miranda, creator and starring role of Hamilton, it’s whole cast and crew have donated profits from the highly successful Broadway show directly to helping this foundation -reportedly in the millions of dollars.

Lin performs there annually as a fundraiser and to celebrate and remember Eliza’s birthday and this 216 year old gift of love to the orphans and needy children of NYC that she founded.

Recently a portrait of Eliza and the original theater attire worn by Lin Miranda as Hamilton was given to the Smithsonian.

The monsoons continue… the yard and gardens are starting to get a little mushy under all the storms recently but Gin-g saved me by bringing an arrangement of beautiful zinnias that just matched my lamp colors! Thanks Gin-g!

Oh they look so pretty with your lamp…straight from Suzy’s yard . Popeye and Olive Oil remind me of someone I know when I look in my mirror 😘🤔🙄
Too funny!!!!!!