Dear Reader:
If you visit the WWII Memorial in Washington DC … and take time to walk around and study it… you will find hidden within different portions of the monument display- the American morale booster that came to symbolize a show of pride for American GI’s. Kilroy was here!

When storming a beach, taking over an objective point, or liberating a town, seeing ” Kilroy was here” and its accompanying cartoon known as ” Mr.Chad” or ” Chad” for short, showed the Americans and their Allies they could win the war and conquer everything.
The origin of who ” Kilroy ” was remains clouded in hearsay mixed with urban legend. One thought is that it started with a James Kilroy who worked on the Liberty ships being sent out to war-he always found a hidden place to leave his mark upon completion … scrawling” Kilroy was here” in yellow crayon.

There was even a widely circulated rumor that in the closing months of the war Hitler, riddled with paranoia, was searching desperately for the ” Kilroy” soldier who appeared to be a one man army … and who kept popping up following one victory after another.
Famous author, William Faulkner, even commented on Kilroy when he wrote: ” What matters at the end of life, when you’re about to pass into oblivion, is that , at least, you scratched ” Kilroy was here” on the last wall of the universe.”
Today this expression transcends battlefields and is an encouraging sign of overcoming adversity while finding the lighter side of life… no matter how tough things get.
Deep down inside… don’t we all want to leave our mark behind to let future generations know we once lived… not just existed but gave back to our home planet Earth while we breathed and lived and loved?
Didn’t God give each of us our unique talents to share with others for that exact reason? We live through the people we touched while on Earth.
So until tomorrow… ” The great use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.” William James

For my birthday Tommy and Kaitlyn gave me this beautiful crystal pendant, hand crafted from clear quartz in Dingle, Ireland.
As you can read on the card… Tiam-means ” I am.” It is an affirmation of existence for the wearer. It is engraved on the chain.

The clear quartz is considered a ” master healer” It amplifies energy by absorbing it daily – it helps stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body.
( As you can imagine I haven’t taken it off since last Friday evening upon receiving it👊😍)
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Tuesday evening I made a run to the post office and on the way home I practically ran off the road staring at the sheer beauty of the sunset-absolutely gorgeous.
Yet… in spite of our weather here-of course we can’t help but pray for the residents around Tampa as Ian blows in today. Anybody who has ever experienced a large hurricane never forgets it. Never! Our prayers are with you. 🙏🏻
So true…and love your bday gift from Tommy and Kaitlin