Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Earthy Smell of Life

Dear Reader: Since I have been on a chemo regime for so long I have pretty much lost most of my taste buds and olfactory smell senses. But have no fear… I keep eating and have learned that memory senses … Continue reading

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” Nothing is Worth More than This Day” -Goethe

Dear Reader: Isn’t it strange when we go somewhere with a certain intent and then are drawn to something completely different… for a reason we only discover later? I decided to go to the Edisto Bookstore to check on when … Continue reading

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“Falling” for Edisto

Dear Reader: Yesterday I got in my car to find fall on Edisto… but soon forgot my mission by just discovering scenes of sheer beauty… no matter the season… like these awe-inspiring marshes. And I had to laugh … after … Continue reading

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The Story Behind ” Dawhoo”

Dear Reader: As I turned onto Brooke’s road last Thursday… I stopped long enough to snap a photo of Brooke’s street sign. DAWHOO! For years now I thought Dawhoo was a branch or sub-tribe of the Edisto Native-Americans who originally … Continue reading

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Life is Good…

Dear Reader: If grief is the price of love, then falls, ” little ” c,” doctor’s appointments, surgical procedures, and rehab must be the price for longevity! And guess what? As we Ya Ya’s once again convene at Edisto … … Continue reading

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Finding that Awe Again…

Dear Reader: While packing earlier this week… Hoda and Jenna were talking on the Today Show and I caught the most excited expression on Hoda’s face. I turned up the volume and apparently she had been interviewing some or a … Continue reading

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God is Our Personal Cheerleader!

Dear Reader: Richard Rohr ( “Yes and”… Daily Meditations) observes that the basic question, put before Jesus in the temptation scenes, was ” Is God to be trusted?” That is the great question the human race is still asking at … Continue reading

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Love is Our Greatest Possession

Dear Reader: What many Floridians are discovering in the grief and overwhelming sense of loss in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian… is that …if all their loved ones survived the monster hurricane… and the damage and destruction involved only man … Continue reading

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Thriving in Pink

Dear Reader: I can’t let October go any farther before stopping today to share my thoughts on the significance of October-Breast Cancer Month. Some days it is hard to remember a time when I didn’t have breast cancer. And as … Continue reading

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Let’s Be Human Together

Dear Reader: Being human is a given but keeping our humanity is a choice. Humanity is defined as compassionate, sympathetic, or generous in behavior or disposition. There is only one race-the human race and everyone in that race, deep down, … Continue reading

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