Dear Reader:
It is Thursday, a little after three, and I am waiting on the storm to come. (And quite honestly… I don’t feel like dancing.) Thus far… the wind hasn’t been too bad and the rains haven’t arrived yet… but are predicted to start pretty soon and continue through Friday… the worst day of the storm.
Living in inland Summerville… I feel pretty secure-since this storm is basically affecting the coastal areas. It is my family living in the Mt Pleasant area that I am concerned most about-…
As I am typing… my son-in-law John is valiantly trying to get home to his family by nightfall… leaving a conference early in Florida. ..we are anxious and praying he makes it in before darkness – he has been fighting the elements all day trying to get home to Mandy and the children. John ‘s birthday is Friday and we are all just hoping he gets to celebrate it surrounded by his family.
Walsh and Mollie are still working on their patio-trying to secure and protect it and Walsh has been cleaning out all the ditches surrounding the house so it will drain and not flood … potentially destroying much of the work that has just been done.
Tommy and Kaitlyn got stuck waiting at work in N Charleston …apparently on some closings-wanting to leave and secure their home entrances with sandbags , etc since their lot is low and goodness they have been through so much on their house recently. Very frustrating situation!
Ya Jackson is supposed to fly into Columbia Sunday… to stay with Libby… and visit many of her teaching buddies before we all meet next Thursday at Edisto for our Ya week retreat! Praying for no cancellations and also that Edisto doesn’t get hit too hard either…. !!!!!)
So by now… you can see why, as the ocean is churning (as Ian draws closer)… I am too!!! For family and friends… I want everyone together and secure. Once a mother… always a mother! Once I know loved ones got through this storm… then I will dance!!! Yes… even in the rain!!!😂
*** Later update: Tommy and Kaitlyn got home and John got in about 7:30-so relieved and happy-let the celebrations begin!! ( And still no dancing in the rain because still no rain at 8:00 PM.
So until tomorrow…

Jo Dufford gave me these words of wisdom on this wooden plaque years ago after I underwent another surgery… and it still holds true today-especially today!
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
*** ( Okay… maybe not my most favorite day… but now these days I don’t lecture myself any more- when I worry or am apprehensive about situations involving people I care about… thinking I am guilty of a lack of faith…deep down I still have a strong faith or I wouldn’t turn to prayer first… now would I? ) 😉😉😉💗

A Happy Birthday Shout-out to my favorite son-law! ( and only one! 😂)

Stay all tucked in Mrs. Dingle! Ian is coming! Stay safe! Let John know I am glad he got away from Florida and made it home safely. Most of all tell John your faithful follower (me) wishes him Happy Birthday. I had Family in Florida a while back. My Sister and Brother-in-law, Niece, and Nephew lived in Titusville Florida, the closest Town to the Space Center. You could see the Space Center from their backyard. Right on the water. Every time a hurricane came my whole family here always worried so much about them. It reached a point where it worried my Mother so much that my Sister and her Family would come here and stay. You could see the change in my Mother’s whole demeanor once they arrived! I am hoping we can make it through and have power throughout the duration of this storm. Better if you can be comfortable and make it to the other side! Be Safe, glad you have your Family back where they need to be. Talk to you on the other side of this thing!
So thankful all of them got home. We are in Clemson with Blake and Emily…waiting too. Hope the hurricane keeps moving on out…
Celebrating with you God’s goodness and mercy and faithfulness to you as a family. Happy October first! Let’s continue to be thankful for each day whether sunshine or rain. And stand silently by with our friends in their grief and pain.
Loved your flower pictures too. So much vibrant beauty. What is the name of the first flower pictured…a rose of some kind or…? Is there are fragrance to this one?