Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Best Time Capsule -Music

Dear Reader: Okay… I admit it… I’m hooked on Hallmark’s The Way Home … I was so upset this past Sunday… I was reading that evening …waiting for it to come on.. and fell asleep-waking up just in time to … Continue reading

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” March is an example of how beautiful new beginnings can be…”

Dear Reader: If you plant them ( flowers) … ” they” will come… butterflies, of course! How beautiful… (purposefully posed … I think! ) There is just something about the word March, itself, that pulls images of flowers, gardens, skates … Continue reading

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A Dribble… A Drop… It Matters Not

Dear Reader: In every series of detective/mystery novels I read ( my favorite genre) I have come to realize that the one important factor that draws me to them is a particular character who provides a certain kind of common … Continue reading

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When Holding a Door… Holds a New Life

Dear Reader: Some of you might have caught this three minute episode of ” On the Road” over the weekend …and if you did …you will never hold another door for someone without doing so. It will stay embedded in … Continue reading

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…Give Peace a Chance

Dear Reader: ” Freedom is dearer than bread or joy” and when it comes to talking about the war in Ukraine … its flag colors explain it all. The blue symbolizes clear blue skies and yellow-its fields of grain. This … Continue reading

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Are You Comfortable in Your Own Skin?

Dear Reader: It dawned on me the other day, while watching a celebrity interview (on a talk show) that I hear the expression… ” Feeling comfortable in my own skin” quite frequently. The celebrity will be saying something along the … Continue reading

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Ask for Sight Before Signs

Dear Reader: It took a little red cardinal named Sammy to teach me about signs …probably a decade ago. Some of you faithful readers remember my extreme agitation when I discovered that ( just not one but both of my … Continue reading

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” Weather” We Like it or Not… the “Times …they are A’ Changing…”

Dear Reader: The Lowcountry was breaking records on Washington’s birthday… climbing into the proximity of the mid –80’s! Yes… you heard me… 80’s!!!!! And the azaleas, are frantically trying to catch up… thinking ” What happened? Did spring come and … Continue reading

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Time and a Line

Dear Reader: I have mentioned before that I am a fast reader, in the sense of moving through chapters pretty quickly. However, I am also a ” pause primer” …stopping at the end of each chapter and re-reading my favorite … Continue reading

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The More Unattainable… the More Coveted Something Is…

Dear Reader: You might remember a couple of weeks ago I was talking about re-acquainting myself with Mark Twain …having missed his witticisms and stories… especially The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This time, as I scrolled back through the chapters… … Continue reading

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