Dear Reader:
In every series of detective/mystery novels I read ( my favorite genre) I have come to realize that the one important factor that draws me to them is a particular character who provides a certain kind of common sense wisdom …that makes me take time to digest the added knowledge to my own personal observations on life.
In Louise Penny’s novels… there is Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and in the Maisie Dobbs series, there is Maurice Blanche. In both cases… it is their natural instincts and superior human analytical skills that help solve cases. Both characters are morally elevated in their compassion while simultaneously gifted in their abilities to see through human smoke screens.
Seek the opportunity to swim beyond your own little pond. This is an example of the type of advice that is given to Maisie by Maurice while solving cases… new experiences expand our mental capacity for deeper understandings of human traits. We must leave our comfort zones to expand our own world. Life is short.
I am in so much gratitude to the people sent my way to keep pushing and shoving me out of my little pond, so I would understand that there was a beautiful lake waiting on me to dive in and learn my strokes along the way.
These days… one of the hardest news stories to watch is pictures and videos of the Great Salt Lake and other large bodies of water drying up before our very eyes.

Madeleine L’ Engle quotes a poignant metaphor written by Jean Rhys-( famous British novelist) about the same importance of keeping the art of writing viable -filled with thoughts and ideas from each and everyone of us whose love and passion to this art form…contributes to the conjecture that ” All Writing is a Lake.”

Rhys describes how some literary giants have been and still are great rivers feeding into the lake while others are mere trickles but the size or amount doesn’t matter… what matters is the daily steady, on-going contribution to keep feeding the lake. Individually we don’t matter ( but our thoughts and observations do) …the lake ( the art of writing) is what matters. We all must keep feeding the lake.
I remember years ago Rene Harris introduced me to a children’s book on water that held me in complete fascination ! It was the story of how one drop of water can change into so many different forms providing magic … notwithstanding just physical survival. Water drops, soap bubbles, snowflakes, icicles, dew, prisms, etc. Amazing magical water.

I still get excited every day as I listen and look for clues about a topic I want to share with my writing and reading friends. All of you!
I have decided my contribution to the ” lake” is not a drop… but a dribble. Still I faithfully send my ” dribble” in every single day to feed the ” lake” … so at the end I can , with good conscience, say ” The lake didn’t dry up on my watch.” There was another story still left to tell.
So until tomorrow… ” Knowledge is like an ever-flowing stream of water, and where you stop to drink from it, is where you become quenched.” The post is my fountain!
Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh