Category Archives: Uncategorized

” To Solve a Problem… Take a Walk”

Dear Reader: I learned early on ( through mother’s example) that taking a walk to declutter the extra baggage stored in the brain… as to see a problem more precisely… is the best problem-solving technique of all! Every evening, weather … Continue reading

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An Old Bottle Light… and a Domino Whirlwind Cleaning Day

Dear Reader: My crazy ( so unlike Becky) day began Saturday morning innocently enough. I was brushing my teeth and glanced over where the old bottle light was shining…as it has been for over a decade ( at least) non-stop. … Continue reading

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The Secret ” Seed” Seasons in Life

Dear Reader: It never fails to amaze me how God uses all His creations to keep life growing ! In the top title picture I discovered new life that could only have been planted in the strange location ( where … Continue reading

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All Dried Up… and Beautiful

Dear Reader: This past Christmas, for the first time, I bought lots of dried eucalyptus leaves at an outdoor plant market and put them in a bucket of water… soon the minty, woodsy scent of Christmas prevailed…so during the long … Continue reading

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Heroes Come in All Shapes and Sizes…

Dear Reader: Last Saturday as I ran into Walsh and Mollie’s house from the pouring rain…bringing toys , candy and cards…the kids were excited but especially the boys and it had nothing to do with Valentines… but history. Walsh has … Continue reading

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” What a Difference A Day Makes”

Dear Reader: They say the older we get, the faster time flies. I think it is true because yesterday was packed with lots of ” happenings” … some wonderful and some just plain crazy! It started off terrific… hearing from … Continue reading

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Simplify LOVE

Dear Reader: We humans are famous for taking the simplest and most beautiful God given ” free” gifts and trying to ” sell” the idea that love can be bought. Love is the most powerful gift of everything God created … Continue reading

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Here Comes The Sun…

Dear Reader: For so many people today… the popular phrase ” Here Comes the Sun” automatically sends them back to 1969 …as they listened to the melody and lyrics ( for the first time) with the release of the Beatles’ … Continue reading

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God’s ” People Garden ” … Closely Planted to Help Us Grow

Dear Reader: When I first scrutinized the following line (from the recent book series I have been reading)… it produced a long pause for self-thought. The line read: ” There is nothing of which every man is so afraid, as … Continue reading

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Pride Cometh Before the Pollen…

Dear Reader: I went out to my car yesterday and my ” beautiful ” day turned yellow gray! Pollen had fallen silently and sneakily during the night! Surely it was too soon for pollen but then Mother Nature has been … Continue reading

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