Dear Reader:
The Lowcountry was breaking records on Washington’s birthday… climbing into the proximity of the mid –80’s! Yes… you heard me… 80’s!!!!!
And the azaleas, are frantically trying to catch up… thinking ” What happened? Did spring come and go without us getting the word? ”
My azalea bushes look like popcorn popping. While working in the yard I counted one bush and it had about 10 azaleas starting to burst open… a couple hours later they had all opened and eight more buds had formed. Crazy!!! And the rest of the week continues the same pattern and next week-the low is ” 70″ -yikes and it is February?
I keep reminding myself to enjoy the moment because ( with even the Formosa’s -usually the last azaleas to bloom) popping out… will anything be left in five weeks?

… and it is not just flowers… the Charleston Bridge Run is the same weekend…Saturday April 1. ( I think both events realize they help each other that weekend by offering a diversity of activities for everyone! )

Even though we will probably have a few ” cool snaps” … there is no denying that weather patterns are changing… and comparing our weather pattern to so many other regions of the country with incomparable droughts, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, snow, ice storms… we have been overwhelmingly blessed!
We have gotten by mainly with just a few instances of extreme cold or heat…but all temporary… yet…still watching our country and other countries experiencing so many weather-related hardships … we can no longer deny man’s contributions to this dilemma pervading our beautiful planet we call home. We are reaping what we sow.

But I have faith in man… it’s not too late but we must pull together… at the rate we are going here … the Charleston race and Summerville festival might soon be run and attended in February… the new spring month.

So until tomorrow…Maybe at a certain age everyone should be asked to make one commitment-Leave the earth a better place for those who follow.