Dear Reader:
I have mentioned before that I am a fast reader, in the sense of moving through chapters pretty quickly. However, I am also a ” pause primer” …stopping at the end of each chapter and re-reading my favorite lines from the author’s mindful musings on life.

I can sit and just contemplate lines as I write them in my big black notebook Ben gave me years ago that collected dust …until I retired and started using it to copy my favorite quotes and author “thought” lines in.

I had just started traveling around doing storytelling for schools and civic centers when Ben gave me this notebook. At the time I was meeting myself coming and going with little time to write stories …but when I recently found the notebook while cleaning out a closet… the timing was perfect… nowadays I fill it with lines that touch me … lines I want to remember.
And at this point I want to pause, take time to thank so many of YOU dear readers who seem to know when a line of encouragement is most needed and/or a a reassurance I am still on the right path in reaching you.
Like authors’ lines… I save many of your lines under ” Favorites” on my computer so I can occasionally go back and re-read them… an oasis to a thirsty traveler.
This line reminds me of the Princeton Book Review quote you just read… ” Maybe we are not here to see each other, but to see each other through.”
Last week I got this message from Michele Jones, who took time out of her everyday life ( and a quite challenging one as of late) to send this message to me that did see me through a hectic day)
Michele is such an anchor at Dorchester Presbyterian Church-always helping!

” Good morning Sunshine! After reading your blog today, one of the things you touched on reminded me of a little saying I heard recently” ( from her boss)
” Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes” ( Michele says this cute saying was absolutely true… time does fly!)
” Thank you for your daily laughs, inspiring tales, hope for the future, and most of all your unconditional love and acceptance for all. We love you right back. May God’s Grace shower you with every ray of sun and drop of rain.”
So until tomorrow… According to a recent police survey, the most oversights discovered in re-opened cold cases, has been when some piece of evidence seemed too obvious-too much of a coincidence.. thus disregarded from the investigation …placing coincidences under headings like ” too obvious” rather than regarding them as potential gifts of truth -this outlook can prove a costly mistake.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

+++ Now you know me…I am not ending today’s post on George Washington’s Birthday ( February 22) without a couple of interesting tidbits.
Parson Weems, a popular storyteller-known mostly for his tall tales, waited until after Washington’s death to let loose some whoppers …including the hatchet story where a young George supposedly chopped down his father’s favorite cherry tree and admitted he did it because he could not tell a lie to his father.

Pardon Weems wanted to make sure his tales inspired future generations to respect the highest office and hold all who reside there… accountable for setting a good example!
But also… it is the reason why cherry pie is the baker’s choice on Washington’s Birthday!!! Enjoy!!!