Dear Reader:
” Freedom is dearer than bread or joy” and when it comes to talking about the war in Ukraine … its flag colors explain it all. The blue symbolizes clear blue skies and yellow-its fields of grain. This beautiful combination has given Ukraine its nickname … the ” Bread Basket” of the world. But sadly… no longer.
Today the unprovoked war in Ukraine …initiated by the sheer greed of another ” mislead” dictator … has destroyed the bread basket for Ukraine and the world. The flag no longer depicts peaceful blue skies and bountiful grain but dark smoking clouds and destitute fields. Starvation can be found in every nook and corner

Friday night I kept the kids while John and Mandy got out together since John is going to be gone for about a week at a business meeting coming soon- When they got back they said they had a good time… except for parking. Many streets had been blocked with no parking signs.
I told them immediately what was going on… ( local news) Charleston was holding a vigil for the first anniversary of the commencement of the brutal attack on Ukraine. Mayor John Tecklenburg and several Holy City Faith Leaders were reassuring Ukraine and the crowd gathered in front of Charleston City Hall, that they have not forgotten this desperate fight for freedom and democracy. Charleston non-profits have donated more than 13 tons of supplies from the Lowcountry to date.

As a preamble to the ceremony, St Michael’s bells tolled for 72 seconds … symbolizing 7,200 Ukrainian civilian deaths since Russia’s invasion. Unbelievably sad.

Last Thursday nine Ukrainian soldiers gave the mayor an Ukrainian Flag signed by each soldier.
So until tomorrow… as Mayor Tecklenburg said,” 365 days of defending freedom”… who knows how many more …but in the end the price of freedom is priceless.
Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh

Drop off Pepsi day for Ben as I watched his secret putting course… hitting golf balls with a wedge! Close to a real golf course!

♥️👍♥️🙏🙏🙏let there be peace on earth…prayers for Ukraine continue…sad how we destroy God’s beautiful world…
Isn’t it? Man is so flawed …
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