Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Wonders of the World…

Dear Reader: After showing you Harriett’s gorgeous pink and white striped symbol of life after breast cancer yesterday…I went out in the back yard and glanced over at the Confederate Rose. Instead of a white bloom….there was the most beautiful … Continue reading

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Pink “Sustainers”

Dear Reader: Doodle sent me a text with this picture of me and Harriett Edwards (and Brenda to the left…somehow every year we always end up together…the three amigos) on the front cover of the special magazine edition “Get Your … Continue reading

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The Shadows of Matthew

Dear Reader: Sunday night, as I sat in the dark, I got very creative with shadow games to keep my mind occupied. I put my one, trusted tiny flashlight, against the table (silver) pumpkins by accident and suddenly two huge … Continue reading

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Around the Bend

Dear Reader: We are heading home….on the way up Thursday afternoon… as we got closer and closer to the mountains there was a sense of thrilling anticipation to see the next beautiful scene awaiting us as Fall in the North … Continue reading

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“Where’s Waldo?” “Where’s Matthew”?

Dear Reader: Do you remember the “Where’s Waldo” series where you had to look through big pages of detailed pictures to find Waldo? It gave me the idea of putting famous explorers, or inventors, or presidents….any historical figure we were … Continue reading

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The Calm Before the Storm

Dear Reader: I am hoping this (rather) depressing picture of my empty front porch will be the worst part of the storm. My first responsibility has been to bring “Big Red” in and put it on my side… safe and … Continue reading

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Peek or Boo Matthew!

Dear Reader: After putting up (what I thought was) all the “Boo” decorations I opened my linen closet to find a towel and out came more “Boo’s!” How could I have forgotten my lit “Boo” sign….since it has batteries maybe … Continue reading

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Every Day Leave Room for a Miracle

  Dear Reader: I started this blog Monday afternoon after I wrote a note to my sweet niece, Carrie, thanking her for giving me some thoughtful note cards and also these “Believe” mini-cards with pop-open messages of hope, faith, and … Continue reading

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Recognizing and Acknowledging Each Other’s Existence

  Dear Reader: I just happened to catch the tail end of Good Morning America yesterday before I headed out and the ensuing discussion, among co-anchors George, Robin, and news anchor Amy, caught my attention. They were talking about the 5/10 theory … Continue reading

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Setting Our Sights in Life

Dear Reader: While I was babysitting the grandchildren this past weekend….I actually had time to think about setting some new goals in my life…nothing outlandish…just more of an extension of what is already in place. Right now these dreams haven’t … Continue reading

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