Category Archives: Uncategorized

Unspoken Love

  Dear Reader: Occasionally I like to look back in the blogs and see what was going on in my life and thoughts on the exact day the year before. It never ceases to surprise me how many events have … Continue reading

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Hello October!!!

Dear Reader: This will be a little short blog entry today because I want to play with my grandchildren (Tigger included of course) all day! It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! And of course…since it is the first day … Continue reading

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Sights of the Season

Dear Reader: “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower” -Albert Camus This beautiful quote  is so true. In the autumn we just trade the beauty of flowers…for leaves…glorious leaves of every color! “Big Red” has had a … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: When I looked up the term “Belonging” yesterday…the word “Belonginess” was right beside it. (I don’t ever recollect using that term but, instead, using belonging to cover everything that went with its definition.) “Belonginess” expands the term….Webster dictionary defines it … Continue reading

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It’s a “Boo-Fabulous” World!

Dear Reader: As the month winds down here in the next few days…I feel like I have been celebrating birthdays and life all month….and actually I have! September has brought some “Boo Hoo” lows, filled with “BooBoo Owies“… but also … Continue reading

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Reframing our Thoughts on Who We Are…

Dear Reader: Don’t you love this Alice in Wonderland quote? And don’t you remember how as children we could go from playing a witch to a princess to a pirate to a dancer….all in one short morning? We had no … Continue reading

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Thank You God for Blessing Me with So Much More than I Deserve!

Dear Reader: Aren’t there some days we feel down deep,  in our soul and spirit, are going to be just plain magical days…a bench mark in our life before it even happens? That day was Saturday, September 24….Jakie’s and my … Continue reading

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“You Never Know How Strong You Are Until…”

Dear Reader: Isn’t it wonderful that life is never dull? Today Jakie and I share a birthday together and we are literally sharing it side by side…dividing the day in half. A brunch birthday at 10:00 a.m. for Jakie and … Continue reading

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With Fall….Comes Story Time!

Dear Reader: Sometimes, in the Fall, I think I hear the flowers, plants, and trees sighing…for many the end is near and most are ready for it. It is time to rest for the winter and prepare for the spring … Continue reading

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Welcome to Fall Y’all! It Just Fell!

Dear Reader: “All good things come to those who wait” and goodness knows we all have waited long enough for this most popular season of all to arrive-Fall! If you are an early bird you might be able to say … Continue reading

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