The Shadows of Matthew


Dear Reader:

Sunday night, as I sat in the dark, I got very creative with shadow games to keep my mind occupied. I put my one, trusted tiny flashlight, against the table (silver) pumpkins by accident and suddenly two huge pumpkin shadows filled the opposite wall. It was so cool!

Then I used my white sofa to make animal shadow puppets…I had forgotten how much fun that was…..I will have to say that Sunday night and Monday night I probably slept the best that I have in awhile. With no electricity I went to bed by nine both nights and slept until the rays of the sun woke me. I think, biologically, that is how man probably should live (and did for most of time prior to the 2oth century) because I have felt so rested!

I didn’t get my power back on until yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon and I was so happy….it took awhile but eventually the cable kicked back in too…though it is very slow going this evening…like my computer is not happy to be back “at it.” (I think it was delighted to have a break from me while I was gone.)

I went to Asheville with Tommy and Kaitlyn Thursday morning and we did make the most of our two day mini-vacation. We stopped at the Sierra Nevada Brewery and Cafe for lunch going into Asheville and later met Walsh, Mollie, and the boys for supper.

Friday we ate breakfast in Biltmore Village and went to the Grove Park Inn for a mini-lunch, hot cocoa, and drinks. Then back again to the Grove Park Inn  to go to the Edison restaurant/bar for supper and to watch the Clemson/Boston College game in front of a huge fire place. Not bad, huh? On Saturday we went to a wonderful used book store downtown that served drinks with the names of famous books…it was wonderful and also crowded…wonder why?

We met more people from the low country than we did Asheville natives…we low country refugees hung together and just had fun…leaving Matthew in God’s Hands because it was certainly out of ours.

First Stop: Sierra Nevada Brewery for lunch









Second Stop: Our Refuge from the Storm: When we found the house we were staying at….(a friend of Kaitlyn’s -Emily- who was out of town) it was adorable! A treasure hidden on a hilly road surrounded with roses.


Thursday night we met Walsh, Mollie and the boys and found a home-cooking style restaurant (Early Girl Eatery) downtown that we all filled up on. *Rutledge was in heaven because a fire truck came roaring down the street right in front of him and Lachlan….they had front row seats.


Friday morning we went to Biltmore Village and wandered around…started with breakfast at the Corner Kitchen. Would have loved to have stayed longer in the “Village”  but Friday and Saturday we had showers on and off throughout each day. Tommy and Kaitlyn showed me where they stayed last year when they came up for Kaitlyn’s birthday weekend…The Grand Bohemian Hotel.



Later we went to the Grove Park Inn.…I have been fighting a throat/chest cold and I got a hot cocoa….tasted so good! Then we actually got to sit down in front of the blazing fireplace for a few minutes before they called us for lunch….the best potato soup I have ever put in my mouth….just what the doctor ordered!






We spent the afternoon walking around and seeing the spa…maybe one day….it was beautiful! I didn’t realize how many famous people had stayed at this hotel for meetings and vacations….President Obama returned twice as President and on one occasion played golf there. It was so interesting to just wander…we even heard about a ghost story based on (perhaps) the murder of a woman (guest) falling (or being pushed) from a high railing there.)

We returned that night to meet Walsh and Robertson to watch the Clemson- Boston College game….somehow Robertson knew the chef (he seemed to know everyone) and not only got us a table but free dessert for the table…compliments of the chef.

The Grove Park Inn at night is unbelievably beautiful!


There were many Clemson fans packed into the bar/restaurant which made it even more fun. *Robertson, thank you for showing us such a good time!!!! (By the fourth quarter Kaitlyn and I figured Clemson had it so we went to Elaine’s which had dueling pianos and just sang along until the boys came to get us.) A fun last night.


The last thing we did in Asheville Saturday afternoon was to go to a popular used book store ( Battery Park Book Exchange) which also serves drinks with classic novels’ names like these two drinks here. (L to R- The Great Gatsby and the Secret Garden) We just got  three mimosas….but the atmosphere was so much fun!


Dogs were allowed in the book store so it was a fun place to see all the activity going on….


After listening to the weather reports and talking with friends and family in Summerville and Mt. Pleasant we decided to try to avoid the Sunday return traffic and get home late Saturday evening…we ran into very little traffic on the way home but from the time we left Five Points in Summerville….suddenly everything grew darker along Highway 17. By the time we turned into Miler…it was obvious there was no power.

So we went in and checked the house and walked around the yard…satisfied there was no structural damage. I, then, continued on with Tommy and Kaitlyn spending Saturday night in Mt. Pleasant with them. (Strange how family in Mt. Pleasant and Isle of Palms had power and I didn’t….I reckon it is just the way the tree falls.)

I was anxious to get home, however,…power or not…and was glad I was home Sunday since I got a lot of help from friends and neighbors cleaning up. (Sam and Donna got back Sunday evening so Sam came over Monday morning and got my cleaned-out fridge/freezer bags to dispose of in the dump!) Bless you Sam and Donna!

I am still doing some raking but overall I am so pleased, relieved, and blessed for the minor damage to my home and my family’s homes when it could have been so much worse! Thank you God from Whom all blessings flow!

I have missed all of you the past two days and thought about each of you and your stories of Hurricane Matthew. Some of you probably have longer “shadows” (issues) to deal with than others but hopefully everyone escaped with no bodily harm. Would love to hear from you and hope everyone and their loved ones are safe and sound….including your homes too.

So until tomorrow….As I was rocking and looking at the giant fireplace in the Grove Park Inn I noticed that one rock had an inscription on it.


Thank you Thoreau…I need to be reminded of this every chance I get…I hope the Race for the Cure coming up this weekend falls under the second category.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

fullsizerender* A shout-out to Doodle who told me to stop by and take a shower yesterday…she left okra soup and pound cake to boot. It was while I was cleaning up and feeling human again…that my neighbor called and said our street now had power. Doodle and Harvey were gone but had provided everything I needed and more….love you both so much! And look at their home…somebody has been working…you would never know “Matthew” came to visit.


img_3272*John and Mandy took advantage of this unexpected free time to take the kids to Huntsville to spend their “mini-vacation” with W.T and (Joan) B.B. The kids had a wonderful time with their grandparents. Mandy said surprisingly it was quite hot in Huntsville while they were there…much cooler here…that rarely happens. But everyone is back home….safe and sound!

*The largest moon flower of the season greeted me back home Sunday evening…


*It was Tuesday morning while still waiting for the power to come on that I happened to glance up at my Confederate Rose and there it was… the first bloom off my newest bush. I had tied string around the trunk stem and then attached it to the screen on the pottery shed…no way it should have held but it did and now here was its first bloom smiling down at me!


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to The Shadows of Matthew

  1. Sis Kinney says:

    Oh, Becky, it’s good to have you back! Glad you and your loved ones fared so well during what could have been a horrific situation! We have family in Virginia Beach and Norfolk and it seems they all had quite a lot of flooding. One of my sons lives about 20 minutes northeast of Raleigh (Youngsville), kind of out in the country, and they had 11 trees that were blown down; granted, some of those trees were mere saplings, but none-the-less, that’s damage! Fortunately, no one was injured and none of the houses were damaged either. So, all in all, we both fared well.

    Was tickled to hear you went to Asheville to ride out the worst of the storm. Friends of my daughter’s (wife went to school/church with Natalie in S’ville) left HHI to go to Asheville, too. They’d both lived there prior to marriage and I believe he has family there. If you ever have a chance to go again, be sure to check out the River Arts District — lots and lots of artists there, both the on-the-wall kind of art as well as jewelry, sculpture, wood, everything! It was really a cool place to walk around — and it’s HUGE! These are artists who first took up residence back in 1913 (not the SAME artists, but just artists in general) after the flood of that year causes the manufacturers in that area to abandon their warehouses. So, artists began flooding in (to pun a term) and basically took over the entire warehouse district; it’s now strictly arts and is wonderful!

    I agree that the Grove Park Inn is a beautiful place! Will have to go for lunch the next time we’re able to go to Asheville. All in all I think it’s a beautiful little city!

    Glad all’s well with you and yours! And your flowers are still stunning!

    Much love,

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    So glad to hear from you Sis….we definitely made lemonade out of lemons, along with a few beers! It was fun being with most of the children and grandchildren and doing some fun things together….really did feel like a little vacation. Of course we were all concerned but to our relief it all turned out just fine. I will have to go to the River Arts District when I return one day….sounds just like my kind of place. Have to go to CVS to get a Z-pak to knock out this crud congestion in my chest….it was rainy most of the weekend in Asheville and think my slight cold went south. But no matter…the race is on Saturday….bring it on!

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