The Wonders of the World…


Dear Reader:

After showing you Harriett’s gorgeous pink and white striped symbol of life after breast cancer yesterday…I went out in the back yard and glanced over at the Confederate Rose. Instead of a white bloom….there was the most beautiful pink one! What a lovely wonder of coincidence!


I can’t think of a better mascot for “Legally Pink” this year than this beautiful Confederate Pink Rose bloom.

The garden never ceases to amaze me. Just when I think everything is slowly folding up something new pops out.

For me….that is what makes the world so exciting. Just when we think we have it all figured out and there is nothing new under the sun…God smiles and sends us into a situation that blows our minds away with its uniqueness and newness.

I think that is why I love to travel. Travel forces us out of our complacent 9 – 5 lives and shows us that there is a big world out there, filled with all kinds of new ideas, cultures, and life styles. Returning home after each trip I always want to add something to the house that reminds me of an amazing new experience I encountered along the way.

thumbnail_img_3620When I took a break, a few minutes ago, to get something to drink I glanced at my refrigerator and there was  Fungi, the Dingle Dolphin magnet on it. Suddenly the sense of wonder, through memories, came rushing back.




img_1027Anne and I took the boat tour to go see this adopted dolphin by the people of Dingle, after playing in the park in the marina.

Fungi just didn’t seem to be too sociable on this particular trek across the bay…but suddenly one of the passengers spotted him. He was definitely playing hide and seek with the passenger boat. One person would get a quick glimpse and then he was gone before everyone else could see him.

I started getting a little discouraged…he just didn’t seem to want to come around on my side of the boat. Ever since the Edisto dolphin sighting I have felt such a universal connection to dolphins and had pictured having another rendezvous with this one.

home-icon-1Suddenly Anne, who was on the other side of the boat looking for him, shouted at me that Fungi was right behind me…I turned around and there he was….leaping in the air  as if trying to tap me on the shoulder. Anne said that the expression on my face was priceless…it was definitely one of wonder and awe!

img_8993I turned and waved him good-bye and called out “Thank You” for re-connecting with me.

I think God allows us peeks into the universal connections of life for a few seconds. And if we are open to new experiences of wonder in the world….we get it. We are all connected under the sun.

So until tomorrow …Let’s never lose our childish wonder of the world because the more we think we know, the more we realize we know little about this planet we call home.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

* Wednesday I received an email from Lisa Jones (Marketing and Events Manager) saying that I was now considered a VIP Participant for the amount of donations raised over the last several years. Tommy picked up the flashing pink bracelet (with the word FEARLESS on it) for me which allows me to go into the VIP lounge with guests before the race….so Doodle and Lassie… we might actually be able to go and sit down and have coffee or whatever upon arrival…I just have to flick my “Fearless” bracelet on and off we go!

***However I know that I didn’t earn this award but received it because of all of you wonderful supporters over the years for the Race for the Cure. Three more donations came in yesterday so really hoping we can go over the higher bar set this year. Love you!


*John is really in the “spirit” this Fall…When he first sent me this photo I didn’t even recognize the house as theirs…I know the kids will love it this Halloween! Way to go…out Halloweening the neighborhood block!




*Marcia Temple sent me a picture of her gorgeous maple at the height of its beauty in their front yard in New Hampshire. This has become an annual event. She sends me the picture and I tell her how much I “covet” it….I really do. So this year I told her she could just Fed-Ex the tree to me. She said she would cut it in half and send half…ah…the wisdom of King Solomon. No…that would never work…the tree would never be as beautiful as it is now. I will just have to admire it from her photos.


thumbnail_fullsizerenderJakie’s Japanese maple tree is the first one of the grandchildrens’ tree to start turning colors…can hardly wait for all of them to turn….my beautiful grandchildren.





Look what came yesterday afternoon in the mail from Honey…I already had my mask…and now I have my Halloween attire! Too cute!


11062757_10207033700094097_8480974984445620761_n *Brooke’s husband, Ted, is having a heart valve replacement procedure  this morning at Roper. Please keep Brooke, Ted, and family all in your prayers for a complete recovery!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to The Wonders of the World…

  1. Jo Dufford says:

    Wow! did Anne make the picture of the dolphin behind you? That really was a God Wink. And the pink Confederate rose surely is special at this time. We left town early, and when we finally got back Kelly and Cameron came over because they had no current. It was good to have them home for a short while. I feel like I’m about two weeks behind. Have a great week-end. Congratulations on your Fearless bracelet!

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