Dear Reader:
I have been using these cold, wet, windy days inside… to begin looking through old books …deciding which to keep and which to give away. Suddenly I came across The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. As I flipped through the pages … I landed immediately on a writing … that started out… ” There is a Buddhist precept that asks us to be mindful of how rare it is to find ourselves in human form on Earth. It is really a beautiful view of life that offers us a chance to feel enormous appreciation for the fact that we are here as individual spirits filled with consciousness….and that the Divine Revelation that no other life form has the consciousness of BEING that we are privilege to…. not in the form of water, minerals, animals or plants … humans make up a very small portion of life that has the wakefulness of spirit that we call ” being human.”
… That is because we human beings are directly connected to and made in the image of God. This direct connection can never be broken.
Every morning when we wake up… we should start with a prayer of gratitude for being human.
Daily activities we can do to become more aware of our place in the sun…
1. Sit outside or near a window and observe other life forms around you( squirrels in my planters looking for nuts)
2 Think of the pebble, bark, or the stone benches or sculptures in the courtyard … and center your breathing on the interior things that you can do that they can’t… understanding life is sacred.
3. Do one thing that only humans can do… like pray!
4. And finally … when the time arises… pray with reverence and GRATITUDE!