Dear Reader:
Mandy is coming this morning and together we are going to “un-decorate.”My heart is sad. For two glorious weeks the Angel tree has been lit-day and night. My favorite time is early evening as I turn off all the room lights except the television ( Christmas movies, then New Year’s celebrations and finally the Clemson -Kentucky game ( Whew! I still haven’t completely recovered from that game) but I have lOVED just staring at the tree in wonder.

But now it is time to let go of the Christmas decorations while maintaining the Christmas spirit!!!
Walsh, Mollie, and kids spent their New Year’s celebration at a beautiful old plantation with lots of Civil War history -friends of theirs whose family own it in Denmark, SC…and this year where Eloise spent her sixth birthday!
Yesterday… Mollie,Rutledge and Eloise came to open Boo and Mandy’s birthday presents… bringing Chick Filet … that made me happy!

And it accompanies some upsetting news the Ya’s got from a text from Brooke yesterday. You might remember she took herself to the ER Christmas Eve for congestion, got an x-ray and then all kinds of medicines and drugs to knock it out.
Apparently it wasn’t enough… Brooke felt worse and worse and in the text yesterday disclosed she had tested positive for the flu and also now has Covid… Brooke has been bedridden since Christmas Eve (actually before that) …how did all these ” plagues” get to her?
Brooke needs prayers… she is a ” tough cookie” but she could definitely use some tough Divine Intervention! (Audrey Hepburn had it right about helping others! )

So until tomorrow… Look Up! Then pray for help when needed and give gratitude for the holy hand extended!
Prayers for Brooke to feel better soon. Love the pictures today. We ate taking down Christmas too…sad!