Dear Reader!
Tommy and Kaitlyn drove up to Tennessee yesterday to have a short visit with her grandmother, Judy, who is in her nineties and , is fighting cancer for the second time in recent years. She is amazing… sending out Christmas cards and get-well cards all, including me, while fighting her own health challenges! What a role model in perseverance she is to her family!!! Have a good visit!
Yesterday as I walked around my new happy place… I took in just how many cardinals have arrived over the holidays and there are several left behind in Summerville…
My first encounter that started my “Sammy the Cardinal ” on-going story started several years ago …tenuously… he attacked both my rear view mirrors on my old Saturn Vue …which later was stolen twice by a high school student and completely damaged.
During this crazy time… Sammy the Cardinal returned to apologize and began flying over and around me every time I worked in the gardens . We became such good friends that while typing my blog posts on my old desktop computer… by a window overlooking the side garden -Sammy would land on the outdoor window sill and peck the screen telling me ” Hello” while he strutted back and forth!
Older readers remember these days and now I have accumulated so much good luck from my ” Sammies” I think it played into my recent health improvement surprise!

And what about those Tigers… I went over to my neighbor’s ( Ann who grew up in Clemson) apartment and we both screamed in unison… such a nail-biting game! But the last second’s win brought such happiness!

So happy the Tigers pulled it out for a win on Tommy’s birthday! 🎉🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
So until tomorrow… A very Happy Day… leading us into hopefully a much calmer tomorrow! Let the LIGHT SHINE BRIGHT!
Love your cardinals and your mom was a beautiful lady!
Love you…go Tigers…and Sammy…