Dear Reader:
Artist Kelly Rae Roberts has recently started sharing more of herself than simply her art designs. She has started sharing words and ideas that shaped and changed her ” earlier self” -words that lead her on detours and sharp curves to land where she was meant to be-an artist.
Her 30 year self answered the questions like: What in your life is calling you, when all the noise is silenced, meetings adjourned, lists laid aside, and the wild iris blooms by itself in the dark forest…What still pulls on your soul? -Rumi
She took the leap of faith back then… but that was then. What about now? Life is never stagnant, leaps of faith are not meant to be one time solo acts-they are a process spread throughout our lifetimes.
Kelly is realizing that it is the words and phrases that accompany her artworks that excite her more these days-writing is its own unique artistic form and it is tugging at her soul.

When we start feeling these pulls and tugs… messages from the universe we have a decision to make-ignore them and stick with the familiar or answer and then wait for the ” directions.”
So when we find ourselves in transition-willing to peek (at least) at changing our lives… but uncertain of the path to follow to get there… we need to work on “allowing ” ourselves or giving ourselves “permission” to live in the frontier-the unknown-as long as needed before we form our plan of action.
Roberts sees ” allowing” as a catalyst to open our minds and hearts to let new thoughts flow through our hearts, allowing small steps to lead us, practicing quieting our minds so we can allow the the spirit of the Divine to enter and turn dreams and wishes into reality,

So until tomorrow ( Ann Graves sent this thoughtful card inside my birthday card)

” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Rutledge showed me his cast when the Dingles gathered yesterday. Sharing the story of his challenge and how he now wants to help the new quarterback gain confidence! You got it right Rutledge! The best way to overcome your disappointment is to help another!

So true…and by the way…thank you for being a part of my life…
Back at you! :]