Dear Reader:
October 1! Just saying October out loud makes me happy! Like Anne… I can’t imagine a world without this most popular month!
Today I picked out a few of my favorite quotes about October to share with you.

How true! We wait and wait-especially in the Lowcountry, surviving one hot humid day after another and suddenly the North Wind brings us the first. dry cool day and we are so excited! We go shopping for sweaters!

Yes! The leaves take center stage pushing the flowers behind them!

Love you and have missed you notes mysteriously appear in post offices addressed to ” someone” named October!

This quote speaks for one and all!

Apples and Apple Cider-can’t get much more October than that…

All I can think of is my first fire of the season -it will come one evening this month! I can hardly wait!

October makes me appreciate living in a region that gets to taste all four seasons… though some of our seasons last longer-it just makes us appreciate every glorious moment that we can squeeze from October!
So until tomorrow…

” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh

Don’t forget! It is the first day of the month! Say ” Rabbit Rabbit” and have the most amazing October of all!

RABBIT RABBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :]