Dear Reader:
When I came across this interesting observation between man and God … and the protection man has needed when confronting God face to face… I couldn’t help but connect this dilemma with the topic of masks today. Let’s start first with Moses and the Ten Commandments-definitely a veil was needed after His famous encounter with God.

We all know the story of Moses returning with the Ten Commandments only to have his potential audience take flight in fear of Moses’ glowing face. So much so that he had to wear a veil in order to keep the tribes from freaking out!
Now think about this problem solver. Jesus. God loves us enough to want to be near us but not harm us. The solution? Become one of us! Remember these lyrics in ” Hark-the Herald Angels Sing?”
” Veiled in flesh the Godhead see… Hail th’ Incarnate Deity.”
Perhaps God needs to veil God’s holiness in order to get as close to us as God wants to. One of the veils God uses to do that is humanity itself, first Jesus , and now in the people who love and follow God.
Which means we should be asking ourselves this: in whom has God reached out to me recently? My own child? The sweet lady in line at the grocery store who insisted I go ahead of her because she had a cartload of groceries and I had a handful? My boss or colleague? My best friend? My spouse?
And most importantly… what was God trying to say… to tell me?
So until tomorrow… God-When you come close to me by veiling Yourself in the people around me, give me grace to see and hear you there.
Source: All I Want for Christmas-Caldwell
Today is my favorite day!
*** I think I just got an opportunity to use my ” veil.” As I mentioned earlier I kept Eva Cate and Jake for the first half of a two day get-away for John and Mandy. Eva Cate had a little homesickness spell but I told her about all my episodes struggling with homesickness as a child and soon had her laughing.
Late yesterday afternoon, at her other grandparents ‘ house-homesickness hit her again and I got a sad little text from her that she was”… so so sad Boo Boo. ” Once again I reassured her with my memories and anecdotes battling the same ” sickness ” and that all would be fine!
A few minutes later this appeared from her…

So what was God trying to say to me-use my own experiences to help a loved one in need of advice, guidance , and reassurance.
This cartoon popped up when I was looking at different pictures of veils artists imagined and I started chuckling out loud!