Dear Reader:
Once you have a birth in the family on a New Year’s Eve, it is hard to remember anything else that preceded it. New life takes precedence over anything else. So December 31, 2018 will always be the afternoon of the wishing tree in Hutchinson Square where Mollie, Rutledge, and Lachlan ( along with me) wished that Eloise would come that night.
Mollie only had time to get home when her water broke and Eloise decided to see how fast she could enter the world. One quick call from Walsh saying they were at the hospital and viola-Eloise arrived!
Three days later Walsh went to pick up mother and child and got caught in a rare New Year’s snow-detouring him to John and Mandy’s and there we all camped out for the next several days! Me included!

It is hard to beat that New Year’s memory-it returns vividly each year.

Just like the birth and subsequent birthdays on New Year’s Eve will be remembered as Eloise’s birthday… so Christians will always remember Christmas Day as the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus’s birth changed the world forever… just like Eloise’s birth changed our family’s dynamics and inner circle also!
So until tomorrow… Happy Fourth Birthday Eloise!

Today is my favorite day! Winnie the Pooh

*** Eva Cate-reunited with mom and dad and Winnie! Homesickness gone-happiness on!

Happy 4th birthday Eva….sweet story…