Dear Reader:
I have always loved the melody and lyrics to the hauntingly beautiful Christmas song- ” Mary Did You Know?” However… this time when I read each stanza-the one important question not asked was: ” Mary did you know your Son will die upon a cross for all our sins?”
Quinn Caldwell… ” All I Really Want” in his December 28 reading calls Mary-the Queen of Heaven-she certainly earned the title.
” In fact Mary is the only one. She’s the only one who was there at both the beginning and the end. Joseph wasn’t. Peter wasn’t. Judas wasn’t, The shepherds and the wise men and the animals weren’t.
Not Caesar, Pilate, Caisphas, , the Centurion, the thieves, or the crowds. She was the only one who was there for him at his first breath and his last. The only one who went the whole journey with him.
Do you think she knew? Do you think she knew when she cried out in labor what other cries she would cry? When she wrapped him in bands of cloth, do you think she knew she would tie his winding sheet as well? And if so… why did she do it? Why didn’t she say “No” to the angel? Hadn’t she seen enough mothers holding enough dead sons to know … especially through Roman atrocities ?
But then didn’t she understand that she was setting the example for all mothers to come across the globe losing sons to wars, gangs, drugs, terrorism, etc.?
Do you think she saw all those mothers and all those broken hearts and knew that they would need to be fed with the milk of Hope and Strength… and that’s why she did it? Of course it is.”
So until tomorrow …A Mother’s Love -the greatest love

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

What a great question: Did Mary know? If she understood that she was carrying the Messiah, then having learned the readings of Isaiah or heard them in the temple, she knew of the Suffering Savior, and that he would be wounded and beaten and die for the sins of the world, then she knew contemplated these things in her heart. But knowing didn’t minimize the pain when death came to her son. Knowing the ending and saying yes was part of her courage act. I liked this post. The question would make a great sermon. Happy New Year!
I agree ! I would love to hear more discussion on it.
My Favorite also! Merry Christmas! Love you!
And back at you Pat!!!!
So true…all of it….heard a sermon one time that none of the men in his life stayed when He was in the cross…but the women did …
I have seen that in my personal experience!!!!! Men tend to excuse themselves from the final farewell.