Dear Reader:
Some of you might remember when I received this real live succulent ” pumpkin planter ” from Susan Swicegood this past Halloween! She also gave one to all the family ” gals” and theirs lived a reasonable time but most got a soft place that turned ” bad” soon after.
Mandy was able to transplant the succulents to another planter and they are thriving… but my pumpkin decided it wanted to see Thanksgiving, Christmas, a New Year and now Valentine’s Day… all intact… can Easter be far behind?
Hearts are like my succulent pumpkin… Valentines is over… but the human heart keeps beating and every day of every year we breathe… we have an opportunity to use it… to tell someone we love them, to do a kind deed, to console another, to reach out a helping hand. Love always wins out in the end… and if we don’t see it or feel it… we know it’s not the end … we have time to keep looking and searching. To become love ourselves! ❤️💗
And one important thing we must remember… love does not require constant chatter… some of our greatest feelings of love have been directed at newborns, gazing in the eyes of our adoring pets and visiting the elderly by simply sitting with them and holding their hands. Silence is not only golden… it carries love in its greatest essence.
Have you noticed that the longer we live-we know more but speak less? Yet this doesn’t diminish our feelings of love. The very fact that sound always ends in silence doesn’t make music any less precious to our hearts and soul.
So until tomorrow… over time the heart expands from within and our skins thin to the point that we become one lone element-our search for love is over… we have become love.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

❤…Be still and know that I am God…has been with me since losing Mother 7 years ago this mo th followed by 3 other immediate family members…losing Suzy silenced me a lot…but that is ok…
Living alone affords me a lot of silence time …of my own choosing …and the older I get the more silence I crave.