Dear Reader:
I am just not quite ready to send Lincoln back into the recesses of my cranium treasure memory ” attic.”
When I saw this ( title quote) reversing the assessment of our homes…using human feeling by letting our home assess us… I knew Lincoln’s creative wit and unique perspective had nailed it again.

We have all heard ” design experts” encourage us to let our homes reflect our essence and personalities. If I had to assess my home it would be … shabby chic, ( emphasis on shabby/ old) a lover of primary bright colors, ( orange and yellow) bright cushions… flowers everywhere, and pictures of flowers and framed photos of family… with open windows letting light in and books everywhere! After all… they are my best friends!

Now let’s pause and think… if something happened to us and we were gone… would our house, our home be proud of us and who once lived here. Would perspective buyers feel the happiness and love that dwelt here?
Visitors and tourists feel this when touring the Lincoln Historic Home place in Springfield, Illinois. Before “President “was added to his title… Springfield remembered Lincoln as devoted husband, a fun, adoring father and popular neighbor and community leader.

Amy Robach, GMA reporter, visiting the Galápagos Islands, showed us their oldest giant tortoise …who was alive when Lincoln lived! Mind-blowing!

*If only this tortoise could talk!”
So until tomorrow… ” The strength of a nation lies in the homes of its people.”
Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh
Remember… when we take time to add flowers, bushes, trees, and gardens around our homes we are , in a sense, sharing the love we feel toward our home with family, friends, neighbors, visitors and even just people passing by…

❤….wanted you to know that Julie stepped into Heaven last night…