Category Archives: Uncategorized

Learning from History

Dear Reader: By now many of you have probably heard a news analogy between the Biblical story of David and Goliath and the horrific assault on Ukraine by Russia with two main ” characters” -David played by Ukrainian President Zelensky … Continue reading

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People Come and Go in Our Lives for a Reason…

Dear Reader: I remember being asked, on several occasions, in different educational collegiate classes, to name the teacher who had the most positive influence on me going through school. I always wrote down the same name -Mrs. Williams, my fifth … Continue reading

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Take a Minute To Fall Apart …then Get back in the Raft

Dear Reader: Another ” God Wink” this past Wednesday… the day of my procedure and the day of the new moon. It was also Ash Wednesday … the start of the Easter season symbolizing hope and resiliency. On GMA3 it, … Continue reading

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The New Moon and Gratitude

Dear Reader: Kaitlyn texted me Wednesday evening… checking to see how everything went and was happy to hear the surgeon got all of the port out. She then reminded me that Wednesday was also the day ( night) of the … Continue reading

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Patience… It Takes a Patient Far….

Dear Reader: … and the right time was yesterday. I was determined to be a ” good” patient. The result: new friends, lots of laughs, and a surgeon who was so ” easy on the eyes” I was sad that … Continue reading

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How to Stop Running Hot and Cold …

Dear Reader: March is the fickle month… as winter and spring fight for temperature control. This week the mornings have started off in the 40’s and ended in the 70’s… jackets and sweaters in the mornings -gone by afternoon. It … Continue reading

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The Gift of Hope… the Gift of Life… DAWN

Dear Reader: If it is true that ” The best things come in small packages” then a small little white book titled ” Small Graces” by Kent Nerburn is one of my favorite ” best things.” In it’s beautiful simplicity … Continue reading

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Spirituality is ” Rooted” in Stories

Dear Reader: While walking through the garden last week… this one lone bloom was sitting on a mound of dirt, above ground level, pulled up by some burrowing ” critter” I suppose, with only one central root still intact underground … Continue reading

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Don’t End the Day… until the Last Ray of Sunshine Has Disappeared …

Dear Reader: Have you ever read a book… undecided if you want to finish it… and then discovering ( to your immense pleasure) that the ending explained all your questions and misperceptions? Your final analysis… ” Best book I ever … Continue reading

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Pause… and Breathe

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a flurry ( blurry) day… running errands that kept me hopping from place to place. Around noon I had a ” pizza attack” and called in a large pizza while getting some banking done! I rarely … Continue reading

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