Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Amazing Story of St Patrick

Dear Reader: When it comes to understanding the real St Patrick… the folklore stories surrounding his life have to be separated from his real life -( forget those snakes-didn’t happen) BUT his true life is ” stranger than fiction.” Unbelievably … Continue reading

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” It’s a Small Small World “

Dear Reader: Today is the 16th of March… the day before St, Patrick’s Day! And instead of getting a hankering for cabbage and corn beef… I went to Publix to buy ingredients for spaghetti-Italian. I made a big batch so … Continue reading

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Are we ” Mindful” that our Mind is not our Brain?

Dear Reader: Yesterday was my ” return to normalcy ” day with all my refugee plants and flowers. It took awhile but at this writing ( late yesterday afternoon) everything has been happily returned to familiar terrain -they are “home.” … Continue reading

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The Will to Live-The Courage to Bloom

Dear Reader: As much as the crazy windstorm and hard freeze ( mid-20’s) over the weekend proved challenging, moving plants inside… the end result was most surprising… who survived against the odds and who dared bloom during the freeze? I … Continue reading

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A ” Wonder” Amid a Wacky Windy Weather Day

Dear Reader: I must confess! Yesterday was not my favorite day! Sorry… but true …though a God Wink helped save it. Ferocious winds woke me up before dawn and light. The wind ” crescendos” were terrifying-I could hear a branch … Continue reading

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The Sun Always Shines Above the Clouds…

Dear Reader: One of the reasons I love reading Kent Nerburn’s stories ( Small Graces) is Kent Nerburn himself. When we talk about embracing life or seizing the moment or grabbing an opportunity… we all pale in comparison to Nerburn’s … Continue reading

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Reflection: Turning Time Backwards

Dear Reader: WordPress sends me updated information on my blog activity and then lists the top all-time most read posts …for the last five years the ” The Legend of the Pawleys Island Shell” has unequivocally lead the pack. If … Continue reading

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God is Everywhere

Dear Reader: I still have my Presbyterian Children’s Catechism ( introduction to the Shorter Catechism that I learned later….) The tenth questions asks” Where is God” and the correct response: ” God is everywhere.” At a certain cognitive level… I … Continue reading

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Re-defining Home ” Valuables”

Dear Reader: I think any of my friends and family who drop by for a visit…associate me ( if indoors) with one particular piece of furniture… my ” miniature recliner.” I remember Brooke went with me to get it and … Continue reading

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When Our Footsteps Become the Road

Dear Reader: Our pastor, Jeff Kackley, has been sharing daily Lent devotionals …outlining the path we all must find that leads to the cross… and beyond. I love the poem he is using to base the devotionals on … it … Continue reading

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