Dear Reader:
Have you ever read a book… undecided if you want to finish it… and then discovering ( to your immense pleasure) that the ending explained all your questions and misperceptions? Your final analysis… ” Best book I ever read!”
This happens in life too… if we don’t let our lives play out to the very end… we might never see the hidden truth of how our life changed others… for the better.
Historical example: Don’t you remember, as a child, yelling at another child for taking back a gifted object they had given you earlier? The common refrain was an indignant ” Indian giver! Indian giver! You are an Indian giver!” It referred to the gesture of being given a gift… only to have the giver ask for it back.
But this angry response is based on a fallacy… a misinterpretation by Westerners …who distorted the true Native American understanding of what it means to give and receive.
European immigrants moving westwards ” stopped short” in their understanding of the unfolding of the beautiful Native-American gift …flowing back and forth to whoever needed it the most.
In this way the gift gained ” sanctity” and power” for passing through so many hands, …including those who offered it initially …and now saw another with a greater need.
So until tomorrow… Finish out each day with gratitude and thankfulness -Let’s restore our sense of being a part of something larger than ourselves. No matter the situation or story… we must let the story unfold for future generations …and beyond if necessary.
” In the unfolding is the WAY.” ( Nepo)
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Go Aunt Carrie! Our hero!
