Dear Reader:
If it is true that ” The best things come in small packages” then a small little white book titled ” Small Graces” by Kent Nerburn is one of my favorite ” best things.” In it’s beautiful simplicity we are reminded of the quiet gifts of everyday life.
As I browsed through it, I was immediately drawn to ” Gift of Dawn.” At the stage of life I am in now… I find that my ” inner dawn clock” appears set each morning so that I wake up around 7 initially and drowsily watch the gray dusk of dawn lighten and brighten .
I then go to ” My Happy Room” and stare out the window as the side garden turns to magic with the first sunbeams descending on each plant and flower… it has become my favorite time of the day… the silence provides me clarity … a path to follow.

Nerburn’s history lesson in man’s reverence for the dawn provides identity to many great spiritual traditions .
” The Christian monastics remain silent until their first chant of morning praise. Muslims begin their day with petitions of humility and thanks. The Dakotah Indians learned as children to walk in silence to a lake or stream, splash water on their faces , then offer up a prayer toward the sun. ”
Today with ringing mobile ” alarm clocks” early mornings can be hectic though I must admit I am spoiled by having most mornings to myself and I never tire of the luxury of slowly starting my day. I do realize now that something precious is lost if we rush headlong into the mechanics of daily life without first pausing to pay homage to the mystery and gift of another day.
So until tomorrow…Each day our heart must pause ” so the spirit can take wing and be lifted toward the infinite. ”

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
And of all of our favorite days … we love the first day of each month and remember to say Rabbit! Rabbit!” So get ready… not only do we want to have good luck and success this month… but we want our fellow freedom fighters ( Ukraine) to get theirs !!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

In my garden a battle between the upstart azaleas and entrenched camellias is still ensuing… the camellias are not giving up the fight for dominance as the azaleas keep popping. So glad they aren’t because look at this beauty I discovered yesterday!

*** Libby got into a Rehab room yesterday and Betsy told us she was so much more comfortable there- better mattresses and room conditions and already has made friends with the staff. A good day!!!🙏🏻💗
Thanks for the wonderful book title. I was searching for a birthday gift idea for my sister & this is perfect! In fact, I’m also ordering his “The Hidden Beauty of Everyday Life”. I know she will enjoy both of them.
There is something peaceful and serene about his thoughts and writings