Category Archives: Uncategorized

Have You Ever Wanted to Hug a Place?

Dear Reader: No… I am not doing an advertisement for Chicken Salad Chick. As I was running errands yesterday… I just happened to be in the vicinity when my stomach started growling and I pulled in to pick up a … Continue reading

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The Last Hurrah… White-Out

Dear Reader: As I was dusting off my old Dell Desktop computer over the weekend … I once again marveled at how long it has lasted… ” Old Faithful.” It was my first home computer… the ” basic vista.” You … Continue reading

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Hints of Summer and Stories of Spirited Smiles

Dear Reader: When I arrived home from Mt Pleasant yesterday ( after watching Rutledge and Lachlan play their last game of the season -Lacrosse) I happened to look up and saw Honeysuckle bursting out all over the tops of trees … Continue reading

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Sharing Thankful Thoughts on a Beautiful Spring Day

Dear Reader: Pause. Write. Give Thanks. Yesterday Mollie came over for a visit in the ” Ville” to catch up, have lunch and run some errands. We compared raising children generationally… and in mutual consent agreed that it never gets … Continue reading

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The Sound and Silence of Kindness

Dear Reader: Don’t light and airy musical notes make us feel better… and especially Christmas tunes that revive happy memories? I mentioned earlier this week that I have been cleaning out closets and drawers to bag and take all kinds … Continue reading

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A New Take on ” The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse” … Indomitable Faith

Dear Reader: Most of us grew up reading or hearing a parent or teacher read us the story of two mice cousins who learn how different life can be… depending on the location of our childhood and later adulthood. The … Continue reading

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When God, the Waymaker, becomes God, the Memorymaker

Dear Reader: In Voskamp’s latest book …she looks on God as a ” way maker “… the One we go to when we find ourselves caught between the proverbial ” rock and hard place.” It is then that God finds … Continue reading

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Humor: The Bridge Between Divinity and Humanity

Dear Reader: I wanted to take a moment today to thank all of you for your funny and appreciative comments on how yesterday’s post ( with the talking chicken egg in my car) made your day… made your rainy Monday … Continue reading

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The ” Yolk’s” on Me…

Dear Reader: Every holiday usually has one memory stand out at a family gathering and the Easter of 2022 will always be remembered as the ” Extreme Egg Toss” game that admittedly I ordered and brought to the family celebration. … Continue reading

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Easter-When Love Became ” Real”

Dear Reader: Happy Easter to everyone! My family is all home today and we are gathering together to celebrate Easter … the day the world really did turn upside down and love was elevated to a height never before experienced… … Continue reading

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