Dear Reader:
In Voskamp’s latest book …she looks on God as a ” way maker “… the One we go to when we find ourselves caught between the proverbial ” rock and hard place.” It is then that God finds the way … the hidden path for us… the right path, leading us to our dreams…reminding us that God is present in the totality of our lives.
I think God is not only the Waymaker but the Memorymaker also. And nothing brings back memories more than cleaning out drawers and closets. Since Monday was dark and rainy throughout the morning… I knew it was perfect for some spring cleaning… by lunchtime I had filled up four large garbage bags to take to Goodwill.
In the midst of cleaning out drawers I came across old wrinkled t-shirts that instantly took me back in time… like my ” I Survived Hurricane Hugo” dating back to September 22, 1989. ( Definitely a ” Wrinkle in Time” memoir.)

The benchmark birthday that never was… but instead God was there for my family… the home structure was damaged but repairable and God spared my family so we could all continue to follow our dreams…leaving behind a memory of thankfulness. Suddenly a dreaded birthday benchmark turned into a gift of time and life… best gifts ever! ( Bring on those benchmark birthdays that symbolize continued life! )
Sam and Donna brought me back this t-shirt from an earlier vacation because they thought the famous quote on the front pretty much summed up two of my favorite passions… gardening and story reading and telling! They were and are right!

So until tomorrow… Cicero was right… ” I want for nothing.” And now my most cherished memories come from family and close friends! And one secret has been revealed to me -” Imperfections make the best messy memories! ”