Dear Reader:
Pause. Write. Give Thanks.
Yesterday Mollie came over for a visit in the ” Ville” to catch up, have lunch and run some errands. We compared raising children generationally… and in mutual consent agreed that it never gets easier… and that when in doubt call on the One who can bridge problems over troubled waters.
After Mollie hurried home to pick up the children from school… Susan stopped by with ham biscuits, a salad and a chance for grandmothers to share the happiness and challenges afforded us in raising a new generation of future citizens in a confusing world of technology that seems to know more stats about humanity than feelings.
So I decided it was time to write God and lay it all out again so our relationship grows stronger with each passing day.
Dear Universe:
Let me take a moment and re-introduce myself to you… my name is Becky but You can just call me Boo. I am not as young as I used to be but not as old as I hope to be ( still …getting closer!)
Sometimes I wonder if anyone hears my small, tiny voice questioning my existence out there in the vastness of space and the vacuum of silence among the indescribable beauty of stars?
I have heard that we are all made of star dust. I hope so… because to me that makes me magical… like pixie dust from fairies. I am quite imaginative so I have no problem believing in things I can’t see.
On this beautiful spring day I want to make a promise to myself and You that I will continue striving to turn more mundane problems over to You, the Creator, of this mind-boggling universe and live my life as if I were dancing and hopping from star to star.
So bring on those God Winks, dandelions, wishes, rainbows, magic and continue bringing me signs that my life matters-Reassure me my life does exist for a purpose -though it may seem inconsequential as defined by society-remind me not to be deterred but to keep following my vision drawing me closer to You God.
PS. If I haven’t told you recently ” I love You!”

So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh