Dear Reader:
Happy Easter to everyone! My family is all home today and we are gathering together to celebrate Easter … the day the world really did turn upside down and love was elevated to a height never before experienced… the love of everlasting life.
This has got to be one of the most beautiful springs we have had… the Easter timing just perfect in the beauty unfolding around us!

The most difficult question I was asked as I worked on completing my memoirs… in the Story Worth year-long project ( last year) was ” What is your definition of love?”
Think about it… would you have a ready answer? I struggled trying to define an essence of a feeling description that we all seek so longingly. Finally… this is what I answered .
” Love is a feeling of belonging in connection with life’s vast relationships between all living things.. a feeling that separates life from mere existence.”
Jesus spent His short time on earth living love rather than passing out definitions. It would be St Paul who probably found a metaphor that best explains how the cross and the resurrection changed love forever.
St Paul explained in one of his writings that Jesus never used Divinity to spare him from the trials of everyday life for humanity… even when crucified. Instead St Paul tells us Jesus ” emptied himself ” … by becoming a slave, taking on our humanity…staying obedient … even to death.
Today we honor, remember and celebrate the Jesus who ” emptied himself” by pouring himself out for us. Why did he do this? Love. A love directed at others… not one’s self. A love so powerful it conquers death and lovingly gives us in return ever-lasting life.
This is the love that manifests itself for us in the Resurrection of Easter Sunday.

So until tomorrow… Take time to feel the love and then pass it on…
Today is my favorite day/Winnie the Pooh

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The Turners on the Bahamas Cruise