Category Archives: Uncategorized

Filling the Empty Chair

Dear Reader: Isn’t one of the hardest things in life … returning home after the loss of a family member, parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend… and looking around the table at the empty chair that once held our loved … Continue reading

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Another Look at Good Friday

Dear Reader: Didn’t most of us, as children, wonder why in the world a terrible Friday (that symbolizes betrayal, lies, pain, anguish, sorrow and death to Jesus Christ) was known as ” Good” Friday? Over the years… I have heard … Continue reading

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Life’s a Little Sweeter… with Honey

Dear Reader: When I went to check the mail late yesterday afternoon… I had already had a “full” day myself. Lunch and fun with Gin-g -then I went to Home Depot and bumped into Beth Brewer, who had already let … Continue reading

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Yesterday was a ” Rocky” Rollicking Day!

Dear Reader: Yesterday there was a loud knock on the door and there stood Vickie ( lives across the street) -she had been visiting family over the weekend and I had checked her mail and porch for packages… while she … Continue reading

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Spring and Water … New Beginnings…

Dear Reader: The spiritual meaning of water symbolizes emotions, new beginnings, and purification/ protection. Just as our emotions are ever changing… so is water. Yesterday I knew Jeff was coming… and one garden improvement (on the top of my to-do … Continue reading

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When Down-sizing Becomes Uplifting…

Dear Reader: It took me years ( after retiring) to follow my dream of gardening and creating a special place in my world… a sanctuary. I knew I wanted it but I was scared because I knew nothing about gardening. … Continue reading

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Snippets of Stories on a Chilly Spring Saturday

Dear Reader: Some days you have to struggle to seemingly find a story and other days stories just keep reappearing in different forms… to the point you can just sit and let them come to you. In sports yesterday there … Continue reading

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“Thank You’s” and Lollipops

Dear Reader: On GMA 3…Faith Friday… the guest deliverer was Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich … a Polish rabbi who is helping with the enormous task of finding shelter and safety for the over two million displaced Ukrainian families poring in…mainly … Continue reading

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… God Bless the Moon and God Bless Me…

Dear Reader: No matter how many times we look up at the moon… it’s special ” magic” always draws us into our imagination… even knowing man, starting with Neil Armstrong, has walked on it …doesn’t deter it’s magical appeal. Today … Continue reading

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A Garden Story

Dear Reader: A most wonderful surprise yesterday-I was out in the yard checking on broken branches and other debris from yet another stormy front with high winds … when I saw a car pull in the driveway … it was … Continue reading

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