Dear Reader:
Thursday I built up this wonderful story in my mind that Rhea’s arrival home ( from the hospital) was going to coincide with my first moonflower bloom of the season. Last year my one and only moonflower bloom came on Ben’s birthday which is now also Rhea’s and mommy’s. ( I felt like Lee’s earlier question to the universe … wondering if Rhea’s birthday would coincide on July 26 too or was it asking too much of the Cosmos?… applied to my moonflower bloom.
Unfortunately from the start… my poor little moonflower bud’s timing seemed off-it started opening in the morning instead of the late afternoon or early evening as its name signifies. No clouds in the sky-just the hot sun beating down on the struggling bud in sweltering temperatures.
It hung in there and even tried to unfurl the outer layer Thursday evening but all of its energy must have been zapped by the blazing sun. It just couldn’t open any further-it was stuck.
Haven’t we all been in similar situations in our lives… when no matter how hard we tried to attempt something new -the timing was off and we were stuck? But remember … don’t we all have to sometimes take a fall to find Wonderland?

An important lesson we must learn in life is that feeling lost and uncertain is all part of our path… we can’t avoid these obstacles so we must learn from our feelings and take the lessons to heart. Act on them and then move on.
So until tomorrow…

John’s marvelous parents are visiting and they were here to celebrate Eva Cate’s tennis camp trophy award for Best Sportsmanship! Congratulations Eva Cate!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
And sometimes we have to learn from the mistakes of others ( who got stuck) and time our journey differently! 👍🙌😍

I love this so much! Waking up this morning and reading this post… It was exactly what I needed to see. I am actually in a “stuck “part of my life… I know this is a temporary transition… But it doesn’t make it any easier to get through each day. Reading your post gave me HOPE! It also made me realize that everyone goes through “stuck”
times …. it’s all just part of… Growth
Thank you for your blog!
Soooo thankful that baby Rhea is better!
Loved your shared picture of your moon and sun flowers🌻🌻🌻❣️