Category Archives: Uncategorized

” Rejection Can Be Protection”

Dear Reader: The nice thing about growing older is that our hindsight plays a larger role in our ever changing perspective. We are finally able to understand how some of our earlier major disappointments and rejections took us in another … Continue reading

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The Long and Winding Road

Dear Reader: I do believe every morning we should add ” curves in the road” … as one of our ” thank you’s” to God. Have you ever considered the possibility of having one long straight path to follow along … Continue reading

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The Room Where It Happens…

Dear Reader: Lin-Emmanuel Miranda’s wildly popular ” Hamilton ” Broadway show has many memorable songs throughout the production but Miranda’s ( and my) favorite is ” The Room Where It Happens.” He said he thought it was the best song … Continue reading

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” Grab That Thought”

Dear Reader: One of the funniest “Golden Girls” episodes was when the ” girls” won a spot as contestants on the fictitious ” Grab that Dough” game show. From the get-start everything went wrong but finally the moment came when … Continue reading

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The Wonder of the Magical Moment of Twilight

Dear Reader: I certainly am not a ” professional ” anything but my love for photography has grown with the longevity of the Chapel of Hope daily posts. I love taking photos of the day-to-day beauty around me… never tiring … Continue reading

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Our Choice: Live by Faith OR Hold On: Let Me Overthink This!

Dear Reader: We mortals seem programmed to make our lives so much harder than they need be… and , unfortunately, count me in the group! Isn’t it amazing how when we get in situations,like life crises, and call out to … Continue reading

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” Only Time Will Tell”… Guess What? Time Told!

Dear Reader: Tuesday provided the family with about all the Anticipation we could handle… a myriad of emotions surfaced as we all waited to hear what the princess would choose… join the party or hold out for a private viewing … Continue reading

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With Longevity Comes Wisdom… But Only …If We Turn Inside…

Dear Reader: As I read these words from the 13th century poet, Rumi, the message rang just as true today as centuries ago. It is becoming clearer with time that nothing happens outwardly in our lives until they first change … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: As even children soon recognize at Christmas time… and especially, as adults, remembering those childhood memories… it was the anticipation… the excited waiting…that overpowered the gift itself. Even our Winnie the Pooh ” tried” to explain it too! … Continue reading

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Is it Time to Re-Set Your Life Again?

Dear Reader: As we all go through the many different and diversified stages of our lives… don’t we all find ourselves at crossroads that demand a change in course? Re-setting isn’t about beating yourself up, feeling bad or staying stuck. … Continue reading

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