Dear Reader:
On the way out of Wakendaw Lakes yesterday… their exit sign read: Warning: Slow Down! Police Have Already Arrested Summer for Speeding! ( I tried to take a picture of the real sign ( cuter) but an impatient car behind me prevented the photo opportunity.)
Still the truth remains… don’t summers tend to go faster each year when you have family involved in education? As a teacher I felt the same bewilderment as my students. ” It’s time for school again ??? NO WAY! Summer just started! ”
From the ” get-go”Jake hasn’t been school/oriented. Having kindergarten and first grade under his belt… he declared to me yesterday ” I like staying at home better”
I found a two-sided Hulk and ( quite honestly don’t know what other creature is on the back) cloth ” doll” at Walgreens and came up with an idea. I explained to Jake that via mom… I was going to be checking in on his attitude towards school this year.
If he arrived at the breakfast table dressed and ready to eat breakfast, with a good attitude he would bring the Green Hulk side to the table-he stood for determination-he was going to ” own” the day and be ” on” top of math, reading, writing, and behavior!!!

However if he arrived unprepared and grumbling to the breakfast table-he had to flip the ” doll” to the pouty side. Too many of those… then no ” surcies” or treats from Boo Boo when she visited!

As a mother and teacher I know what ” they” say about using bribery to motivate behavior… but grandmothers get special privileges… and come on … we all know it works! 😅
Yesterday was Eva Cate’s and my annual back to school shopping day … to pick up this year’s paraphernalia that included decorating lockers! She is more excited about that than middle school. All I can say is that is if they have a sixth grade Moultrie Middle School decorating contest… we have a contender!

We have a ” duzy” of a thunderstorm building-the trees are bent almost to the ground-just moved my car away from the trees and by the house for protection. Lights are on and off so I am going to sign off too!

So until tomorrow… Please say a prayer that this new school year provides security for both teachers and students alike so that this generation of children will have memories of friendships and ” Aha” ” Eureka” moments of new ideas of learning…to look back upon one day.
Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh

You are such an amazing grandmother! Your creativity is always over the top! Mandy and Eva Cate definitely got the “creative gene” from Boo! Hard to believe Summer has flown by. But, us retirees have Fall to enjoy! Have a beautiful day!❤️
I still wake up every morning and still in awe of being retired!!!! Everyday feels like I got the golden ticket to Willy Wonka’ s Chocolate factory,,,,especially on the first day of school !!!
❤…she has a great Boo…