Category Archives: Uncategorized

Welcome December… The Month to Remember…

Dear Reader: The first day of December… Besides remembering to say ” Rabbit, Rabbit” … I feel a sense of anticipation upon waking up… knowing that by the end of December a special good-bye will encompass twelve months.. a whole … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Yesterday, Tuesday, November 29, certainly lived up to this definition ( title) that has become obscure with time. The sun was out and the temps in the mid-seventies. Remember my prophetic remark a couple of weeks ago… before … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Love… it really must make the world go round…. in conversation, literature, and quotes… the word ” LOVE” takes first place in usage around our earthly home. Even in these disturbing times… we say ” I love you” … Continue reading

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Sometimes It Ends Up Different… and it is Better that Way…

Dear Reader: As much as failure is not something we would willingly seek or select… especially over success… if you take a minute to reflect back on the successes and failures in your own life… we humans fail more than … Continue reading

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Life is Only As Good as the People You Share It With…

Dear Reader: Never have truer words been spoken. What happiness it brought this grandmother yesterday… the first time all the family has been together in a long time… coming in from Alabama and Fripp but everyone made it. Our gourmet … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Traditions date back to the earliest human civilizations… actually since the dawn of time. They fulfill four criteria for achieving the ” Four B’s”- Being, Belonging, Believing, and Benevolence. Since traditional gatherings outlive generation after generation… they make … Continue reading

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Learning From the Graces

Dear Reader: The Graces were the Greek Goddesses who represented beauty, grace, and gratitude. The sculpture was just not seen as a monument but a conscious ” stumbling block” prompting man to slow down and look around… before chasing the … Continue reading

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A Thanksgiving ” Manifesto”

Dear Reader: Like most holidays… Thanksgiving stares back at us all month through the ” coming up” date marked on our November calendar. And then ” suddenly” it appears and then disappears as quickly as a sunbeam. It is up … Continue reading

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“Whatcha” Gonna Do with a Boy and his Turkey?

Dear Reader: In 1863 a live turkey was sent to the White House for the Lincoln family to feast on for the Christmas meal. Tad Lincoln, 10, youngest son of the Lincoln’s, quickly befriended the bird, named him ” Jack” … Continue reading

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” Look Me Straight in the Eyes” …

Dear Reader: Did you know that eye contact is central to the human experience? Humans are the only primates with white eyes who are drawn to eye contact from infancy? Infants follow parental eyes rather than head motions. They have … Continue reading

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